The following document presents an analysis of shared, dockless electric scooter systems in several American cities and a web tool for predicting scooter demand in cities that do not currently have shared scooters. We focus on the equity implications of these systems: who currently has access to scooters, and who will have access if we keep following the business-as-usual approach? This document presents an overview of our data and use case, a summary and key takeaways from our analysis, and an appendix with all of the R code used in the project.
This project was produced for the MUSA/Smart Cities Practicum course (MUSA 801) taught by Ken Steif, Michael Fichman, and Matt Harris in the Master of Urban Spatial Analytics and Master of City Planning Programs at the University of Pennsylvania. We are deeply grateful to our instructors for their guidance, feedback, and attention throughout the semester, despite the challenges brought on by the ongoing pandemic. We also thank Michael Schnuerle from the City of Louisville Metro Government and Sharada Strasmore from the DC Department of Transportation for providing data that made our rebalancing analysis possible as well as sharing their insights into and knowledge of the scooter and micromobility planning process. Lastly, we would like to acknowledge our classmates in MUSA and city planning, who not only produced incredible projects of their own this semester, but also provided thoughtful feedback and support throughout our time in the programs.
In the few short years since they first launched, shared, dockless electric scooters have become ubiquitous sights on streets and sidewalks in cities across America. What may have first been seen as novelties or purely recreational vehicles now play critical roles in many people’s daily transportation routines. Despite being relative newcomers to the urban transportation scene, dockless scooters provided over 38 million trips in 2018, more than the number of rides taken on traditional station-based bikeshare systems that year. Yet, despite these vehicles having enmeshed themselves quickly in the urban fabric, access to electric scooters is not spread equitably across cities. While residents in wealthier, predominantly white downtown neighborhoods enjoy easy access to shared scooters, residents in poorer but comparably dense parts of cities outside of downtown are underserved by the systems.
In this study, we use a combination of open and private dockless scooter usage data from six American cities to construct a model for predicting ridership in ten cities that have not had scooter share systems in the past. While our model displayed sizable errors, showing that it requires further calibrating, it also suggests that the business-as-usual approach to introducing scooters into a new market is likely to create inequitable access to the vehicles for residents. While cities such as Louisville, KY have recognized these inequities and instituted distribution requirements to address them, we show through analysis of vehicle rebalancing data that providers do not seem to be complying with these requirements, and stronger enforcement may be necessary. Lastly, we introduce a proof-of-concept web application that allows users to explore the spatial distribution of our model’s predictions for each city and compare them to demographic and socioeconomic variables of interest. We believe that this tool will allow policymakers to anticipate the geography of scooter ridership in their cities and understand - and ultimately plan for - the inequities that may be created by the business-as-usual approach to launching and administering scooter share systems.
Riders using dockless scooters in San Francisco. Source.
Since Bird and Lime launched the first shared, dockless electric scooter services in Santa Monica, California in September 2017, scooters have rapidly spread across American cities, becoming a popular form of urban transportation. As of January 2020, there are 340 scooter share programs operating in 242 municipal areas and campuses across 40 different states (plus Washington, D.C.). In 2018 alone, users took 38.5 million trips on electric scooters, more than the number of trips taken on more familiar, traditional station-based bikeshare systems. While scooter share providers initially entered new municipalities and markets without local officials’ permission or oversight, leading to spikes in scooter-related injuries and complaints of vehicles blocking sidewalks, cities have begun collaborating through coalitions like the Open Mobility Foundation to institute some oversight over these programs. Many municipalities are now working with their scooter providers to ensure that their scooter share programs, among other goals, meet safety standards, distribute vehicles equitably, keep sidewalks clear, and protect rider privacy. Data standards like the Mobility Data Specification (MDS), created by the Los Angeles Department of Transportation, help cities share and monitor scooter ridership data and make sure that providers are complying with their policies.
While these data initiatives help address cities manage more mature scooter share programs, there are no widely adopted models or processes in place that help cities without shared scooters introduce the vehicles into their markets. Further, while some cities like Chicago have issued citations to enforce their requirements for equitable distribution, not all cities have done so, meaning that in some places, these distribution requirements are without teeth. As we see in our analysis of vehicle distribution in Louisville, scooter companies do not necessarily comply with existing distribution requirements. In this project, we use data from 6 different American cities with shared scooters to develop a model that estimates what peak-season demand will be in cities without existing programs. We use this model to build a prototype for a web application intended to help city officials anticipate the geography of scooter ridership in their cities and understand its relationship to the city’s social and economic geography. Our goal is to create a municipal scooter planning toolkit that helps cities interested in launching scooter share systems learn from other municipalities that already have these systems in place. We hope that cities like Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Madison, Wisconsin, which are considering adopting scooter share programs, will find this toolkit helpful as they work with providers to bring the vehicles to their communities.
Using a combination of publicly available and private scooter ridership data from six American cities, we employ machine learning methods to create a model that predicts the total scooter trips that will be taken between July and September in each census tract in 10 cities that do not currently have scooter share programs. Our model uses a total of 24 features encompassing demographic, socioeconomic, and built environment characteristics for the cities to make its predictions. We emphasize that our model predictions reflect both the underlying demand for scooters that may exist in a census tract as well as the impact of the scooter companies’ fleet management and distribution choices. Our model uses existing ridership data to predict how scooter usage would look in a new city if it were to follow the business-as-usual approach.
We then propose an Equity Score, a single metric for describing the equitability of scooter access in a city. This score compares observations and predictions of scooter ridership with various socioeconomic indicators to provide a sense of who a city’s scooter system is or would be serving. Cities could customize this score to their own policy priorities by including different indicators and weighting them accordingly.
Our results show that our model produces reasonable projections for the distribution of ridership in new cities, with most rides occurring in downtown areas and near universities, but that further tuning and additional data are needed to calibrate the raw numbers of scooter rides predicted. Additionally, while the geography of predicted ridership aligns well with our observations in cities that currently have scooters, the statistical distributions for our predictions are not more uniform than they are in reality. This leads to overoptimistic projected Equity Scores for the prediction cities compared to the Equity Scores we observe in the cities that already have shared scooters. As we make improvements to the ridership model in the future, we expect the predicted Equity Scores to align more closely with observed Equity Scores.
For our unit of analysis, we use the total number of rides taken between July and September of 2019 in each census tract for each city. We chose this time period partly due to data limitations - Chicago only recently instituted scooter share and does not have a full year of data available - and also because the late summer and early fall represent peak ridership. We chose census tracts as our spatial unit of analysis because they represent the highest level of geographic aggregation in the scooter ridership datasets. While the private Louisville and Washington, D.C. datasets provide coordinates for ride pick-ups and drop-offs, Austin’s publicly available dataset aggregates rides to the pick-up and drop-off census tract to protect rider privacy.
In addition to the level of geographic aggregation, the ridership data provided varying information:
City | Geographic Aggregation | Time Period Available | Temporal Precision | Other Info | Fleet/Rebalancing Info |
Louisville | Coordinates | Nov. 2018 - Dec. 2019 | Actual time |
Trip ID Vehicle ID Battery Level |
Operator Rebalancing Vehicle Maintenance/Retirement/Entry |
Washington, DC | Coordinates | Actual time |
Trip ID Vehicle ID Trip Distance Trip Duration |
Operator | |
Austin | Census Tract | April 2018 - Present | 15 minutes |
Trip ID Vehicle ID Trip Distance Trip Duration Council District |
No |
Minneapolis | Street | May 2019 - Sept. 2019 | 30 minutes |
Trip ID Vehicle ID Trip Distance Trip Duration |
No |
Kansas City | Truncated Coordinates | June 2019 - Dec. 2019 | 15 minutes |
Trip ID Vehicle ID Trip Distance Trip Duration |
No |
Chicago | Census Tract | June 2019 - Sept. 2019 | Hour |
Trip ID Vehicle ID Trip Distance Trip Duration Community Area Name |
No |
Part of our data wrangling process was transforming the ridership data into the same level of spatial aggregation. Chicago, for instance, was already aggregated at the census tract level, so it did not require any additional aggregation.
Louisville and DC, on the other hand, provided point data. We aggregated this to the census tract level.
For our model features, we use variables from the US Census Bureau and OpenStreetMap that we believe would reflect both the underlying demand for scooters in a census tract and the likelihood that a provider would make more vehicles available in a tract.
Built Environment
Our final model uses 24 features built from these variables as predictors for scooter ridership in a census tract. Our data panel looks like the below:
349 | 2802 | 80 | 28490 | 35.8 | 47300 | 703 | 0.8183440 | 0.0423620 | 0.8844673 | 0.4857245 | 0.0483450 | 0.7001634 | 0.8459564 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.1326531 | 0.8469388 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0183206 | 0.0150866 | 991 | 1059 |
138 | 2399 | 80 | 25673 | 40.6 | 48000 | 710 | 0.5043768 | 0.0842956 | 0.7297921 | 0.5518966 | 0.0535211 | 0.8185841 | 0.8937644 | 0.1836735 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.1836735 | 0.7346939 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0136005 | 0.0103508 | 456 | 1052 |
76 | 4612 | 150 | 29733 | 39.5 | 75600 | 804 | 0.1986123 | 0.0582278 | 0.8449367 | 0.5615785 | 0.0552426 | 0.8496132 | 0.9468354 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.1224490 | 2.6530612 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0276389 | 0.0171585 | 75 | 1913 |
164 | 1790 | 100 | 25435 | 34.6 | 50200 | 708 | 0.0212291 | 0.1343931 | 0.6734104 | 0.5122905 | 0.0557905 | 0.7820372 | 0.8294798 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0306122 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0216312 | 0.0115308 | 579 | 720 |
56 | 2724 | 80 | 19746 | 35.6 | 49800 | 778 | 0.1119677 | 0.1368984 | 0.7358289 | 0.5499266 | 0.0512122 | 0.8283358 | 0.8278075 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0204082 | 0.3673469 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0113234 | 0.0065086 | 57 | 1124 |
56 | 2152 | 100 | 35625 | 35.7 | 74500 | 664 | 0.0185874 | 0.0992366 | 0.8636859 | 0.5836431 | 0.0480070 | 0.7626208 | 0.8822246 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0918367 | 1.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0139273 | 0.0069871 | 49 | 951 |
26 | 2022 | 100 | 20500 | 38.4 | 57600 | 567 | 0.0558853 | 0.1664296 | 0.8065434 | 0.5158259 | 0.0518519 | 0.8058252 | 0.8449502 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0057834 | 0.0041512 | 31 | 800 |
49 | 2729 | 80 | 23533 | 30.3 | 57000 | 726 | 0.0974716 | 0.1342952 | 0.6082131 | 0.5844632 | 0.0584891 | 0.7244656 | 0.7913430 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0816327 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0190098 | 0.0083222 | 1290 | 1030 |
34 | 3075 | 100 | 38145 | 40.9 | 75800 | 695 | 0.0344715 | 0.1090742 | 0.8157654 | 0.5479675 | 0.0518346 | 0.8011118 | 0.8900092 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0199580 | 0.0096401 | 64 | 1482 |
15 | 3202 | 90 | 31000 | 34.0 | 69800 | 853 | 0.0062461 | 0.1282985 | 0.6451319 | 0.5908807 | 0.0432909 | 0.8966038 | 0.8917197 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.5816327 | 0.0102041 | 0.0102041 | 0.0145422 | 0.0136271 | 1077 | 1325 |
A map of the 6 cities shows that most rides originate and end in a small number of census tracts.
Inflow data is not available for Minneapolis.
A persistent problem in micromobility programs is unbalanced vehicle flow, when riders take more vehicles away from a place than other riders bring in. Which tracts are “gaining” and “losing” vehicles from user activity alone? While, of course, many rides begin and end within the same census tract, we see below that regular user activity leads to unbalanced flows. Without active rebalancing from providers, vehicles would become concentrated in just a few tracts, and user demand in other tracts would go unsatisfied.
The plots on the left show the net inflow/outflow of vehicles for each census tract during the study period. The maps on the right show this rate relative to its total inflow; a tract that gained a net of 10 vehicles while seeing a total inflow of 20 vehicles would have an inflow rate of 0.5.
Net flow data is not available for Minneapolis.
Some of the data sets include information on ride durations and distances. We don’t investigate those data here, as they were not pertinent to our prediction model, but we do explore them later on when we discuss compliance with distribution requirements.
The six cities we’ve chosen for the analysis vary greatly in size and demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. This makes producing a model that predicts raw trip counts a difficult challenge, but it also protects against the possibility of our model overfitting to a certain type of city.
During the feature engineering process, we experimented with variations of the built environment variables. We tried the variations below:
Ultimately, we selected the Ratio versions, because those displayed the greatest correlation with user pickups in each tract. Below, we see the correlation plots for every feature variable in our analysis with the number of pickups in each tract.
Our final model included the following 24 features:
Variable | Description |
Demographic | |
TOTPOP | Total population |
MDAGE | Median age |
PWHITE | % of the population that is white |
PFEMALE | % of the population that is female |
Socio-economic | |
MDHHINC | Median household income (2018 dollars) |
MEDVALUE | Median home value |
MEDRENT | Median rent |
PTRANS | % of the population that takes transit to work |
PDRIVE | % of the population that drives to work |
PCOM30PLUS | % of the population with a commute >30 minutes |
TOTHSEUNI | Total housing units |
POCCUPIED | Housing occupancy rate |
PVEHAVAI | % of the population that owns a vehicle |
JOBS_IN_TRACT | The number of jobs located in this tract |
WORKERS_IN_TRACT | The number of workers who live in this tract |
Built Environment | |
RATIO_RETAIL | % of the city’s retail found in this tract |
RATIO_OFFICE | % of the city’s offices found in this tract |
RATIO_RESTAURANT | % of the city’s restaurants found in this tract |
RATIO_PUBLIC_TRANSPORT | % of the city’s public transportation found in this tract |
RATIO_LEISURE | % of the city’s places for leisure activity found in this tract |
RATIO_TOURISM | % of the city’s tourist attractions found in this tract |
RATIO_COLLEGE | % of the city’s university buildings found in this tract |
RATIO_CYCLEWAY | % of the city’s cycle infrastructure found in this tract |
RATIO_STREET | % of the city’s streets found in this tract |
Below, we see a display a correlation matrix with the final features. We see that some variables, median rent and median home value, are correlated, but for the most part, our explanatory variables show little collinearity.
Like many cities with scooter share, the City of Louisville has imposed vehicle caps and distribution requirements on their providers to ensure that scooter companies do not flood high traffic areas of the city with unused vehicles and to promote equitable access to the vehicles across neighborhoods. Louisville’s scooter policy is summarized below and can be found in full here.
Distribution Requirements
“To ensure access to shared mobility transportation options throughout the community, Metro has established distribution zones. Distribution zones are intended to ensure that no singular zone is intentionally over-served or under-served. Operators must comply with distributional requirements. Failure to comply with this provision constitutes a breach of the license and may result in the assessment of fleet size reductions, suspension, or even termination of the license. The duration of any suspension shall be at the sole discretion of Metro but will be no less than 6 months. Terminations shall apply for 1 year.”
For operators with 150 permitted vehicles or fewer, there are no distributional requirements.
For operators with permitted fleets ranging in size between 150 and 350 vehicles, 20% of each operator’s vehicles must be located within zones 1 and 9.
Distribution plans within Zones 1 and 9 must be submitted to Metro for approval to ensure adequate accessibility for residents of each zone has been achieved.
For fleets ranging in size between 350 and 1050 vehicles, 20% of each operator’s vehicles must be located within zones 1 and 9 and 10% must be in zone 8.
Distribution plans within Zones 1, 8, and 9 must be submitted to Metro for approval to ensure adequate accessibility for residents of each zone has been achieved.
Current Vehicle Limits:
For privacy reasons, most cities (including Louisville) only post geographically aggregated user ride data on their public open data sites. These datasets, while helpful for identifying broad trends in ridership, can lack the geographic resolution to tell us where exactly riders are going. Additionally, the datasets typically do not include any information on vehicle movements other than user rides, meaning we cannot discern when and where providers are adding or removing vehicles to and from the fleet through maintenance or rebalancing activity. For our analysis, the City of Louisville shared their providers’ status changes dataset (the “Rebalancing Data”), a non-public dataset that, in addition to user ride data, includes other vehicle events such as rebalancings and maintenance. These data points are also fully disaggregated. Whereas Louisville’s public scooter dataset rounds location coordinates to the third decimal point, the Rebalancing Data includes the raw coordinates.
Using the Rebalancing Data, we investigate whether Louisville’s largest two scooter suppliers, Bird and Lime have been complying with the city’s rebalancing requirements. At distinct points in time, are Bird and Lime’s scooter vehicles distributed across Louisville in compliance with the distribution requirements?
Zones 1, 8, and 9, shown below, must receive a percentage of Bird and Lime’s daily fleet as part of the city’s redistribution requirements.
In its raw form, however, the Rebalancing Data is not well-suited for answering this question. The dataset is currently organized around events, where each row is a status change event (the reason
column) for a particular vehicle (vehicleId
) that took place at a certain location
and time (occurredAt
), making it difficult to develop an aggregate picture for how each operator’s vehicles are distributed across the city at any point in time. The dataset tells us about vehicle flows, but we need information on the vehicle fleet.
## Observations: 856,700
## Variables: 10
## $ id <chr> "ed349118-ccd9-4fbe-8b3d-311b10dc223e", "4c4d40d...
## $ url <chr> "", "", "htt...
## $ type <chr> "reserved", "unavailable", "removed", "available...
## $ reason <chr> "user pick up", "maintenance", "rebalance pick u...
## $ location <chr> "POINT(-85.740319 38.256947)", "POINT(-85.76038 ...
## $ operators <chr> "Lime Louisville", "Lime Louisville", "Bolt Loui...
## $ vehicleId <chr> "63f13c48-34ff-49d2-aca7-cf6a5b6171c3-516765", "...
## $ occurredAt <dttm> 2019-05-27 05:52:36, 2019-11-15 12:00:35, 2019-...
## $ vehicleType <chr> "scooter", "scooter", "scooter", "scooter", "sco...
## $ vehicleEnergyLevel <dbl> 0.3500, 0.7800, 0.8133, 0.8200, 1.0000, 0.7900, ...
We solve this problem by selecting the most recent event for each vehicle in the dataset (prior to the selected audit time), finding each vehicle’s location, and assessing whether it is available for users. Then, we can aggregate the available scooters by distribution zone to determine whether the scooter providers are in compliance.
The Rebalancing Data contains 11 different status change events. We aggregate these events into three categories:
We next set time periods for our rebalancing audits. We decided to audit the vehicle fleet at 7AM every Friday for 13 months, from November 15th, 2018 to December 15th, 2019. We chose 7AM because our exploratory analysis revealed to us that most rebalancing activity occurs in the nighttime and early morning hours.
We then extract the most recent Active status for each vehicle in the dataset before our 57 selected audit times. We also remove any scooter whose most recent Active status occurred over 10 days prior to the audit time from the dataset. We assume that these scooters have been removed from the active vehicle fleet without a corresponding status change record.
## Observations: 173,736
## Variables: 8
## $ vehicleId <chr> "2411d395-04f2-47c9-ab66-d09e9e3c3251-1-c6-w5", "2411d39...
## $ Date <date> 2018-11-15, 2018-11-15, 2018-11-15, 2018-11-15, 2018-11...
## $ Hour <int> 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,...
## $ operators <fct> Bird Louisville, Bird Louisville, Bird Louisville, Bird ...
## $ active <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,...
## $ long <dbl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, ...
## $ lat <dbl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, ...
## $ audit_date <dttm> 2018-11-15 07:00:00, 2018-11-15 07:00:00, 2018-11-15 07...
Next, we aggregate the available scooters across the distribution zones. We determine whether an operator is in compliance with the distribution requirements based on the percentage of the vehicle fleet in zones 1, 8, and 9 and the total size of that vehicle fleet at that time. The two sets of distribution requirements only apply to operators permitted to operate over 150 and over 350 scooters in the city, respectively. While Bird and Lime are each permitted to deploy 450 vehicles now, we were unable to determine when their vehicle limits were raised to 150 and 350. As a proxy for vehicle limit, we instead use the total size of their fleets as reflected in the dataset (scooter_total
). We acknowledge, however, that this may underestimate the two companies’ permitted fleet size at the time, as the maximum active fleet size we calculated during our 57 audits was 339, far short of their 450-vehicle maxes.
## # A tibble: 228 x 16
## # Groups: audit_date, operators [228]
## audit_date operators scooter_total Dist_Zone_1 Dist_Zone_2
## <dttm> <fct> <int> <int> <int>
## 1 2018-11-15 07:00:00 Bird Lou~ 0 0 0
## 2 2018-11-15 07:00:00 Lime Lou~ 95 1 73
## 3 2018-11-22 07:00:00 Bird Lou~ 0 0 0
## 4 2018-11-22 07:00:00 Lime Lou~ 65 1 15
## 5 2018-11-29 07:00:00 Bird Lou~ 0 0 0
## 6 2018-11-29 07:00:00 Lime Lou~ 105 1 52
## 7 2018-12-06 07:00:00 Bird Lou~ 0 0 0
## 8 2018-12-06 07:00:00 Lime Lou~ 107 1 40
## 9 2018-12-13 07:00:00 Bird Lou~ 0 0 0
## 10 2018-12-13 07:00:00 Lime Lou~ 74 0 38
## # ... with 218 more rows, and 11 more variables: Dist_Zone_3 <int>,
## # Dist_Zone_4 <int>, Dist_Zone_5 <int>, Dist_Zone_6 <int>, Dist_Zone_7 <int>,
## # Dist_Zone_8 <int>, Dist_Zone_9 <int>, compliance <chr>, dist_zone <fct>,
## # dist_pct <dbl>, requirement <dbl>
Below, we chart the percentage of each operator’s vehicle fleet that could be found in the three distribution zones at the time of each audit. The red line on each chart indicates the minimum percentage of the vehicle fleet that must be located in each zone to comply with the distribution requirements.
While we emphasize again that we are not sure when the distribution requirements took effect for Bird and Lime, we can see that even in the later months of 2019, when we can assume their vehicle fleet limits were at or near near their current 450, there are only two instances where either company was in compliance with at least one of the requirements.
We used the final set of features to construct several models that predict raw trip counts in each census tract for the cities in our study. We employed the following modeling frameworks:
The graphic below helps visualize our model selection process. First, we split the data into a 75%/25% training set and test set, stratified across the six cities. Within the 75% training set, we then used a grid search to select the optimal hyperparameters for each of the four modeling frameworks. To improve the robustness of the grid search, we used both random k-fold (across 20 folds) and leave-one-group-out (leaving one city out at a time) cross-validation within the training set. In this cross-validation process, each fold or city within the training set is held out while the grid search is run over the remaining folds or cities to select hyperparameters. Predictions are then produced on the hold-out fold or city, and the root mean squared error (RMSE) is calculated for those predictions (out-of-fold error). This process is repeated on each fold and city, and for each modeling framework, we select the hyperparameters for each modeling framework that minimizes the average of RMSEs across folds. Finally, we test these models on the 25% test set and select the framework with the lowest mean absolute error (MAE).
The plots below show the average RMSE produced on out-of-group predictions using the optimized hyperparameters for each modeling framework. We see here that random forest, the model we ultimately chose because it had the lowest MAE on the test set, had the highest out-of-fold RMSE. Our interpretation of this is that the random forest model was predicting well for many census tracts compared to the other frameworks, which yielded a lower MAE, but it also produced a few predictions with very large errors that drove up the RMSE, which is more sensitive to outliers than MAE. In general, the errors were quite high. This reflects the difficulty of using a fairly small sample of cities that vary greatly to make predictions of raw ridership counts.
Average RMSE for Out-of-fold Predictions
Below, we present scatter plots showing the out-of-fold and out-of-city predictions and errors for each method. We see that errors were larger in general for the out-of-city predictions, again demonstrating the challenge of generalizing ridership predictions across cities with such different characteristics.
We next plot the MAEs for each model’s predictions on the 25% test set. The random forest model clearly performs the best among the four frameworks. The other three models have errors that exceed the average trip count across test set census tracts.
MAE for Test Set Predictions
Below, we show an example of the out-of-fold predictions and prediction errors made on Austin when it was treated as a hold-out group in cross-validation. Note that the “missing” census tracts in the map below represent those tracts that had been randomly selected for the 25% testing set. We see that ridership was greatly underestimated in the downtown census tracts in the center of the map. This suggests that our model actually tends to significantly underestimate the skewed distribution of scooter ridership in a city.
We can confirm this intuition by comparing the distribution of observed ridership values in Austin with the distribution of predicted values. Our predictions tend to exhibit a more even distribution than the observed values within a narrower range.
This is even more apparent when looking at the distribution of our predicted values for other cities. We’ll look at these predictions in more detail in the following section, but these values show significantly less left-skew than the observed values in Austin.
We average the errors across the training cities generated by our final random forest model and plot them below. The errors vary significantly. The median error ranges from a low of 80 in Chicago to a high of over 700 in Louisville.
The model also varies in performance across racial contexts. Below, we see variations in error between majority white and majority non-white census tracts. For some cities, like Austin and Kansas City, our model tends to underpredict trips in majority white neighborhoods while over-predicting trips in majority non-white areas. For other cities like Chicago, Minneapolis, and Washington, DC, however, the errors are relatively consistent across contexts.
Finally, we use our model to produce predictions on 10 cities without scooter share systems. As we would expect, most of the predicted rides are concentrated within the cities’ central business districts and areas near universities. In Philadelphia, for example, we see high predicted ridership in Center City, as well as the neighborhoods around the University of Pennsylvania, Drexel University, and Temple University. However, we also see high predictions in outlying census tracts for some cities. In Madison, for instance, we see very high predictions for ridership at the western periphery of the city.
These plots can be explored interactively in the web application we’ve built for this project, which is further described in Section 7.
As we saw in our exploratory plots, scooter ridership tends to be heavily concentrated in commercial downtown areas and neighborhoods near universities. These trends were reflected in our predictions for the 10 new cities above. While these trends may be due, in part, to higher underlying demand in these areas, they also reflect the decisions that scooter providers make when distributing their vehicles, and these choices create inequitable access to the vehicles across cities. As evidenced by Louisville’s redistribution, which seeks to “To ensure access to shared mobility transportation options throughout the community,” cities are becoming more sensitive to these inequities.
Here, we propose a framework for an Equity Score metric, which we believe cities can use to assess the equity of scooter access across their communities. The metric can be applied to both existing scooter systems, which have realized distribution patterns, as well as to prospective systems, which have predicted ridership trends. Cities can also easily adjust the metric to fit their own policy priorities. A municipality with a particular focus on intergenerational equity, for example, may choose to weight the median age portion of our equation more highly.
To calculate the Equity Score, we first find the census tracts in each city with the top 30% of ridership (rhigh) and the bottom 30% of ridership (rlow), whether realized or predicted. For each of rhigh and rlow, we calculate the average median household income, percentage of the population that is white, and the median age. We then find the absolute difference between the averages for those three variables to calculate three indices, IMDHHINC, IPWHITE, and IMDAGE. The Equity Score is a simple average of those three indices, subtracted from 1. We based our selection of these variables on this paper from Ursaki and Aultman-Hall (2015), which examined the equity of access to station-based bikeshare systems in several American cities.
\[I_{index} = |\frac{Index_{r_{high}}} {n_{r_{high}}} - \frac{Index_{r_{low}}} {n_{r_{low}}}|\]
\[EquityScore = (1 - \frac{I_{MDHHINC} + I_{PWHITE} + I_{MDAGE}} {3}) * 100\]
Below, we present the Equity Scores for each city in our study. For the six cities that we used to train our model, we used the observed ridership numbers. For the cities that do not currently have scooter share systems, we used the predictions generated from our model. We note that the equity scores for the predicted cities tend to be significantly higher than the equity scores for the observed cities. A possible explanation for this is that our model underpredicts the number of tracts with 0 ridership in cities. Whereas the observed cities tend to have a significant number of tracts that did not experience any rides, the predictions show a smoother distribution of rides. This may have the effect of distorting which census tracts fall into lower 30% of ridership. While future work still needs to be done to improve the performance of the model’s predictions, we believe the Equity Score we’ve presented here is an intuitive framework for cities to use when evaluating whether an existing or prospective dockless scooter program is distributed equitably.
City | Observed or Predicted Ridership | Equity Score |
Louisville, KY | Observed | 86 |
Washington, DC | Observed | 64 |
Austin, TX | Observed | 72 |
Minneapolis, MN | Observed | 62 |
Kansas City, MO | Observed | 69 |
Chicago, IL | Observed | 51 |
Asheville, NC | Predicted | 79 |
Hartford, CT | Predicted | 95 |
Houston, TX | Predicted | 80 |
Jersey City, NJ | Predicted | 80 |
Jacksonville, FL | Predicted | 70 |
Madison, WI | Predicted | 92 |
Omaha, NE | Predicted | 91 |
Philadelphia, PA | Predicted | 90 |
San Antonio, TX | Predicted | 97 |
Syracuse, NY | Predicted | 86 |
We used the predictions generated from our model to create the Dockless Scooter Planning Toolkit, a proof-of-concept web application for cities to use as they consider introducing dockless shared scooters. With this application, cities can explore our predictions for the spatial distribution and volume of scooter ridership at census tract level in ten US cities. We include features for visualizing how the predicted ridership in a census tract relates to various demographic and socio-economic indicators, such as median income or job density. We also provide an Equity Score for each city using the metric described above, though we emphasize that cities would want to consider tailoring the calculation of that score to align with their policy priorities. Our app includes data for the 10 cities listed in Section 5.3.
# Data Directory and Working Directory
data_directory <- file.path(stringr::str_remove(here::here(),
"\\/Eugene\\/Eugene - Practicum|\\/Ophelia\\/Ophelia - Practicum|\\/Xinyi\\/Xinyi - Practicum"),
# Scientific Notation
options(scipen = 999)
# For flow map
options(repos = c(CRAN = ""))
# Load Packages
# Palettes and Themes
paletteY <- c("#F9F871","#FFD364","#FFAF6D","#FF8F80","#F87895", "D16BA5")
palette5 <- c("#25CB10", "#5AB60C", "#8FA108","#C48C04", "#FA7800")
plotTheme <- theme(
plot.title =element_text(size=15),
plot.subtitle = element_text(size=8),
plot.caption = element_text(size = 6),
axis.text.x = element_text(size = 10, hjust = 1),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 10),
axis.title.y = element_text(size = 10),
# Set the entire chart region to blank
# Format the grid
mapTheme <- function(base_size = 12) {
text = element_text( color = "black"),
plot.title = element_text(size = 14,colour = "black"),
axis.ticks = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_blank(),axis.title = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.y = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill=NA, size=2)
# Helper functions
qBr <- function(df, variable, rnd) {
if (missing(rnd)) {
c(.01,.2,.4,.6,.8), na.rm=T))
} else if (rnd == FALSE | rnd == F) {
as.character(formatC(quantile(df[[variable]]), digits = 3),
c(.01,.2,.4,.6,.8), na.rm=T)
q5 <- function(variable) {as.factor(ntile(variable, 5))}
# Projections
DC_proj <- 2283 # Northern Virginia:
LV_proj <- 2246 #
KC_proj <-2817 #
MNP_proj <- 2812 #
AU_proj <- 2246
CH_proj <- 3529 #
PH_proj <- 2272
# List of 2018 ACS variables:
census_df <- data.frame(vars = c("B01003_001E",
colNames = c("TotPop",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
census_vars <- census_df$vars
census_colNames <- census_df$colNames
# Function for renaming columns after collecting census data
rename_census_cols <- function(x){
output <- x %>%
~ census_colNames)
# Read in base map
LV_base_map_raw <- st_read("")
# Read in service area
LV_SA_file <- file.path(data_directory,
"Dockless Vehicle Service Area/Dockless_Vehicle_Service_Area.shp")
LV_SA_raw <- st_read(LV_SA_file)
# Read in distribution areas
LV_distro_areas_file <- file.path(data_directory,
"Dockless Vehicle Distribution Zones v2/Dockless_Vehicle_Distribution_Zones.shp")
LV_distro_areas_raw <- st_read(LV_distro_areas_file)
# Read open data
LV_open_raw <- read_csv("")
# Read rebalance data
LV_rebal_file <- file.path(data_directory,
LV_rebal_raw <- read_csv(LV_rebal_file)
# Project Base Map
LV_base_map <- LV_base_map_raw %>%
# Project Service Area Map
LV_SA <- LV_SA_raw %>%
### Make rebalance sf object ----
# Make the object with the code below ('ctrl + shift + c' to un-comment multiple lines at once)
LV_rebal_sf <- st_as_sf(LV_rebal_raw,
wkt = "location",
crs = 4326) %>%
st_transform(LV_proj) %>%
mutate(occurredAt = with_tz(occurredAt, "America/New_York"),
operators = ifelse(operators == "Bolt Lousiville", # fix typo
"Bolt Louisville",
operators = as.factor(operators),
duration = 0, # initialize columns for for-loop
energy_diff = 0) %>%
.[LV_SA,] # filter out any trips outside the service area
LV_rebal_sf_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
# saveRDS(LV_rebal_sf,
# file = LV_rebal_sf_RDS)
# Read the saved object with the code below
# LV_rebal_sf <- readRDS(LV_rebal_sf_RDS)
# Make sf objects with open data ----
make_LV_open_sf <- function(x, # x should be 'LV_open_raw'
trip_end, # define whether you want the origins or the destinations
proj) { # proj should be 'LV_proj'
if(!grepl("ori|des", trip_end)) {
stop("trip_end must be either 'origins' or 'dests'")
} else if (grepl("ori", trip_end)) {
output <- x %>%
StartDate) %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("StartLongitude", "StartLatitude"),
crs = 4326) %>%
} else {
output <- x %>%
StartDate) %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("EndLongitude", "EndLatitude"),
crs = 4326) %>%
### Make and save open data origins ----
LV_open_origins <- make_LV_open_sf(LV_open_raw,
trip_end = "origins",
proj = LV_proj) %>%
# LV_open_origins_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
# "~RData/Louisville/LV_open_origins")
# saveRDS(LV_open_origins,
# file = LV_open_origins_RDS)
# Read the saved object with the code below
# LV_open_origins <- readRDS(LV_open_origins_RDS)
### Make and save open data destinations ----
LV_open_dests <- make_LV_open_sf(LV_open_raw,
trip_end = "dests",
proj = LV_proj) %>%
# LV_open_dests_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
# "~RData/Louisville/LV_open_dests")
# saveRDS(LV_open_dests,
# file = LV_open_dests_RDS)
# Read the saved object with the code below
# LV_open_dests <- readRDS(LV_open_dests_RDS)
# Set directory for DC data
DC_directory <- paste(data_directory,
sep = "")
# List of all scooter-related files
DC_scooter_trip_list <- list.files(path = DC_directory,
pattern = "Lime|Bird|Scooters|skip|Spin|Razor|razor|Lyft")
## Check that this covers all scooter files
# DC_scooter_trip_list_b <- list.files(path = DC_directory) # all files in the folder
# setdiff(DC_scooter_trip_list_b, DC_scooter_trip_list) # difference between all files and just scooter files
DC_scooter_data_raw <- DC_scooter_trip_list %>%
{.[!str_detect(., "2019-09_Lime_trips.csv")]} %>% # this particular record is tab-separated rather than comma-separated
{paste(DC_directory, ., sep = "")} %>%
~ read_csv(.,
col_types = cols(.default = "c")) %>% # read all the columns as characters for simplicity
set_names(., tolower(names(.))) %>% # some datasets have all caps columns, others have all lowercase
mutate(dataset = .x,
dataset = str_match(dataset, paste(DC_directory, "(.*?)", "\\.csv", sep = ""))[, 2])) %>%
DC_scooter_trip_list %>%
{.[str_detect(., "2019-09_Lime_trips.csv")]} %>% # add in the tab-separated dataset
{paste(DC_directory, ., sep = "")} %>%
read_tsv(col_types = cols(.default = "c")) %>%
set_names(., tolower(names(.))) %>%
mutate(dataset = "2019-09_Lime_trips"))
# Add helper columns ----
DC_scooter_data <- DC_scooter_data_raw %>%
mutate(# this is the start time from the original data. Some data includes the date, but others only have the time
original_start_time = start_time,
company = tolower(str_extract(dataset, "Lime|Bird|JUMP|skip|Spin|Razor|razor|Lyft")),
start_date = str_extract(original_start_time, "[0-9]{1,2}\\/[0-9]{1,2}\\/[0-9]{1,2}"),
start_time = str_extract(original_start_time, "[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}"),
original_end_time = end_time,
company = tolower(str_extract(dataset, "Lime|Bird|JUMP|skip|Spin|Razor|razor|Lyft")),
end_date = str_extract(original_end_time, "[0-9]{1,2}\\/[0-9]{1,2}\\/[0-9]{1,2}"),
end_time = str_extract(original_end_time, "[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}"))
DC_scooter_data$original_start_time <- as_datetime(DC_scooter_data$original_start_time)
DC_scooter_2019 <- DC_scooter_data %>%
filter(year(`original_start_time`) == 2019)
DC_scooter_07to09 <- DC_scooter_data %>%
filter(year(`original_start_time`) == 2019, month(`original_start_time`) > 6 & month(`original_start_time`) < 10)
# Make sf objects ----
make_DC_sf <- function(x, # x should be 'DC_scooter_data'
trip_end, # define whether you want the origins or the destinations
proj) { # proj should be 'DC_proj'
if(!grepl("ori|des", trip_end)) {
stop("trip_end must be either 'origins' or 'dests'")
} else if (grepl("ori", trip_end)) {
output <- x %>%
start_lon) %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("start_lon", "start_lat"),
crs = 4326) %>%
} else {
output <- x %>%
end_lon) %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("end_lon", "end_lat"),
crs = 4326) %>%
# Example of make_DC_sf() function
DC_scooter_07to09_sf <- make_DC_sf(DC_scooter_07to09,
trip_end = "origins",
proj = DC_proj)
DC_scooter_07to09_sf <- merge(DC_scooter_07to09_sf, DC_scooter_07to09, by = 'trip_id')
# Read in Austin data
Austin_file <- file.path(data_directory,
AU_scooter_raw <- vroom(Austin_file,
col_types = cols(.default = "c",
"Vehicle Type" = "f",
"Trip Duration" = "d",
"Trip Distance" = "d",
"Start Time" = "c",
"End Time" = "c",
"Modified Date" = "T",
"Month" = "f",
"Hour" = "d",
"Day of Week" = "f",
"Council District (Start)" = "f",
"Council District (End)" = "f",
"Year" = "d",
"Census Tract Start" = "c",
"Census Tract End" = "c"))
AU_scooter_raw <- AU_scooter_raw[-1,] # na row
AU_scooter_raw <- AU_scooter_raw[-1,] # problematic row
AU_scooter_raw <- dplyr::select(AU_scooter_raw,-`Modified Date`) # NA COLUMN
# format time columns
AU_scooter_raw$`Start Time` <- as.POSIXct(AU_scooter_raw$`Start Time`, format='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p')
AU_scooter_raw$`End Time` <- as.POSIXct(AU_scooter_raw$`End Time`, format='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p')
AU_scooter <- AU_scooter_raw %>%
clean_names() %>% # lowercase column names and remove spaces
filter(vehicle_type == "scooter") # remove bike data
# AU_scooter_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
# "~RData/Austin/AU_scooter")
# saveRDS(AU_scooter,
# file = AU_scooter_RDS)
# Read the saved object with the code below
# AU_scooter <- readRDS(AU_scooter_RDS)
# # glimpse(AU_scooter)
AU_scooter_07to09 <- AU_scooter %>%
filter(month %in% c(7, 8, 9) & year == 2019)
# AU_scooter_07to09_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
# "~RData/Austin/AU_scooter_07to09")
# saveRDS(AU_scooter_07to09,
# file = AU_scooter_07to09_RDS)
# AU_scooter_07to09 <- readRDS(AU_scooter_07to09_RDS)
AU_open_origins_ct <- AU_scooter_07to09 %>%
group_by(census_tract_start) %>%
summarize(origins_ct = n()/3)
# Set directory for DC data
MNP_directory <- paste(data_directory,
sep = "")
# List of all scooter-related files
MNP_scooter_trip_list <- list.files(path = MNP_directory, pattern = "*.csv", full.names = T)
MNP_scooter_data_raw <- MNP_scooter_trip_list %>%
~ read_csv(.,
col_types = cols(.default = "c")) %>% # read all the columns as characters for simplicity
set_names(., tolower(names(.))) %>%
mutate(dataset = .x,
dataset = str_match(dataset, paste(MNP_directory, "(.*?)", "\\.csv", sep = ""))[, 2]))
# Change the stattime and endtime to datetime object
MNP_scooter_data_raw$starttime <- as_datetime(MNP_scooter_data_raw$starttime)
MNP_scooter_data_raw$endtime <- as_datetime(MNP_scooter_data_raw$endtime)
MNP_scooter_data_raw <- MNP_scooter_data_raw %>%
# Read street centerline shapefile
MNP_ST_file <- file.path(MNP_directory,
MNP_street <- st_read(MNP_ST_file) %>%
# Read trail centerline shapefile
MNP_TR_file <- file.path(MNP_directory,
MNP_Trail <- st_read(MNP_TR_file) %>%
# Read city boundary shapefile
MNP_ct_file <- file.path(MNP_directory,
MNP_ct <- st_read(MNP_ct_file) %>%
# Add helper columns ----
MNP_scooter_data <- MNP_scooter_data_raw %>%
mutate(# this is the start time from the original data. Some data includes the date, but others only have the time
start_date = date(starttime),
start_time = hour(starttime),
end_date = date(endtime),
end_time = hour(endtime))
# Clean the MNP_street data
MNP_street_sf <- MNP_street %>%
OFT, STREET_TYP, geometry)
MNP_street_sf$GBSID <- as.character(MNP_street_sf$GBSID)
MNP_street_unique <- MNP_street_sf[!duplicated(MNP_street_sf$GBSID),]
MNP_street_unique <- MNP_street_unique %>%
mutate(centroid_X = st_coordinates(st_centroid(MNP_street_unique))[,1],
centroid_Y = st_coordinates(st_centroid(MNP_street_unique))[, 2])
MNP_street_centroid <- st_as_sf(MNP_street_unique %>% st_set_geometry(NULL), coords = c('centroid_X', 'centroid_Y'), crs = 26849)
# Trail
MNP_Trail <- MNP_Trail %>%
mutate(centroid_X = st_coordinates(st_centroid(MNP_Trail))[,1],
centroid_Y = st_coordinates(st_centroid(MNP_Trail))[, 2])
MNP_street_centroid <- st_as_sf(MNP_street_unique %>% st_set_geometry(NULL), coords = c('centroid_X', 'centroid_Y'), crs = 26849)
# Keep 2019 July - September data only
MNP_scooter_07to09 <- MNP_scooter_data %>%
filter(dataset == "/Motorized_Foot_Scooter_Trips_July_2019" |
dataset == "/Motorized_Foot_Scooter_Trips_August_2019" |
dataset == "/Motorized_Foot_Scooter_Trips_September_2019")
# Join geographical information based on street centerline
MNP_scooter_0619_ori <- merge(MNP_scooter_0619, MNP_street_centroid, by.x = 'startcenterlineid', by.y = 'GBSID')
MNP_scooter_07to09_ori <- merge(MNP_scooter_07to09, MNP_street_centroid, by.x = 'startcenterlineid', by.y = 'GBSID')
MNP_scooter_0619_ori <- st_as_sf(MNP_scooter_0619_ori, sf_column_name = 'geometry', crs=MNP_proj)
MNP_scooter_07to09_ori <- st_as_sf(MNP_scooter_07to09_ori, sf_column_name = 'geometry', crs=MNP_proj)
# Read open data
KSC_file <- paste(data_directory,
sep = "")
KC_scooter_raw <- read_csv(KSC_file)
# Make datetime columns
KC_scooter <- KC_scooter_raw %>%
mutate(start_time = as.POSIXct(paste(substring(.$`Start Date`, 1, 10),
as.character(.$`Start Time`)),
format = '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S'),
end_time = as.POSIXct(paste(substring(.$`End Date`, 1, 10),
as.character(.$`End Time`)),
format = '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S')) %>%
dplyr::select(-c("Start Time",
"End Time",
"Start Date",
"End Date")) %>%
clean_names() # remove spaces in column names and make lowercase
# Make sf objects
make_KC_sf <- function(x, # x should be 'KC_scooter'
trip_end, # define whether you want the origins or the destinations
proj) { # proj should be 'KC_proj'
if(!grepl("ori|des", trip_end)) {
stop("trip_end must be either 'origins' or 'dests'")
} else if (grepl("ori", trip_end)) {
output <- x %>%
start_location) %>%
st_as_sf(wkt = "start_location",
crs = 4326) %>%
} else {
output <- x %>%
end_location) %>%
st_as_sf(wkt = "end_location",
crs = 4326) %>%
# Set directory for DC data
CH_directory <- paste(data_directory,
sep = "")
CH_scooter_raw_file <- file.path(CH_directory, "E-Scooter_Trips_-_2019_Pilot.csv")
# Read scooter raw data
CH_scooter_raw <- read_csv(CH_scooter_raw_file)
CH_scooter_clean <- CH_scooter_raw[!$`Start Centroid Location`),]
CH_scooter_clean <- CH_scooter_clean[!$`End Centroid Location`),]
CH_scooter_clean$`Start Time` <- as.POSIXct(CH_scooter_clean$`Start Time`, format='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p')
CH_scooter_clean$`End Time` <- as.POSIXct(CH_scooter_clean$`End Time`, format='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p')
CH_scooter_clean_ori <- st_as_sf(CH_scooter_clean, coords = c("Start Centroid Longitude", "Start Centroid Latitude"),
crs = 4326) %>%
CH_scooter_0619 <- CH_scooter_clean_ori %>%
filter(month(`Start Time`) == 6)
CH_scooter_0819 <- CH_scooter_clean_ori %>%
filter(month(`Start Time`) == 8)
CH_scooter_07to09 <- CH_scooter_clean_ori %>%
filter(month(`Start Time`) > 6 & month(`Start Time`) < 10)
# Read city boundary shapefile
CH_ct_file <- file.path(CH_directory,
"Boundaries - Census Tracts - 2010/geo_export_afd3fb8b-c948-4bba-b83c-b2a0ac543749.shp")
CH_ct <- st_read(CH_ct_file) %>%
# Read and input census key
census_key_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
census_key <- readRDS(census_key_RDS)
tidycensus::census_api_key(census_key, install = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
# Collect census data and geometries
LV_Census_raw <- get_acs(geography = "tract",
variables = census_vars,
year = 2018,
state = "KY",
geometry = TRUE,
county = c("Jefferson"),
output = "wide") %>%
rename_census_cols %>%
census_colNames) %>%
LV_Census_geoinfo <- LV_Census_raw %>%
dplyr::select(GEOID, geometry) %>%
st_join(LV_SA) %>% na.omit() %>% dplyr::select(GEOID,geometry)
# extract centroid of each census tract
LV_Census_geoinfo <- LV_Census_geoinfo %>%
mutate(centroid_X = st_coordinates(st_centroid(LV_Census_geoinfo))[, 1],
centroid_Y = st_coordinates(st_centroid(LV_Census_geoinfo))[, 2])
LV_Census <- LV_Census_raw %>%
st_transform(LV_proj) %>%
mutate(pWhite = White_Pop / TotPop,
Mean_Commute_Time = Total_Travel_Time / Num_Commuters,
pTrans = Total_Public_Trans / Means_of_Transport_pop,
pDrive = Total_cartruckvan/Means_of_Transport_pop,
pFemale = TotFemale/TotPop,
pCom30plus = (Travel_Time_3034 + Travel_Time_3539 + Travel_Time_4044 + Travel_Time_4559 +
Travel_Time_6089 + Travel_Time_90plus) / Total_Travel_Time,
pOccupied = Occupied/Total_occupancy,
pVehAvai = 1 - No_vehicle / Vehicle_own_pop)
# names(LV_Census)
LV_Census <- LV_Census %>%
dplyr::select(GEOID, TotPop, TotHseUni, MdHHInc, MdAge, MedValue, MedRent, pWhite, Mean_Commute_Time,
pTrans, pDrive, pFemale, pCom30plus, pOccupied, pVehAvai)
LV_tract_list <- LV_Census_geoinfo$GEOID
LV_Census_ct <- LV_Census %>%
filter(LV_Census$GEOID %in% LV_tract_list) %>%
# rejoin geometry infor from ct_LV
LV_Census_ct <- merge(LV_Census_geoinfo, LV_Census_ct, by = 'GEOID')
### Open Data ----
# Count origins for each census tract
LV_open_origins_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
# LV_open_origins <- readRDS(LV_open_origins_RDS)
LV_open_07to09_sf <- LV_open_origins %>%
filter(month(StartDate) >= '2019-07-01' & StartDate < '2019-10-01')
LV_open_origins_ct <- LV_Census_ct %>%
mutate(origins_cnt = (lengths(st_intersects(., LV_open_07to09_sf))))
# Count dests for each census tract
LV_open_dests_ct <- LV_Census_ct %>%
mutate(dests_cnt = lengths(st_intersects(., LV_open_dests)))
# Combine
LV_open_ct <- LV_open_origins_ct %>%
left_join(LV_open_dests_ct %>%
st_drop_geometry() %>%
dplyr::select(GEOID, dests_cnt),
by = "GEOID")
LV_open_ct <- LV_open_origins_ct
LV_ORIGINS <- LV_scooter_ct %>%
group_by(Start.Census.Tract) %>%
summarise(Outflow = n()) %>%
LV_DESTS <- LV_scooter_ct %>%
group_by(End.Census.Tract) %>%
summarise(Inflow = n()) %>%
LV_net_inoutflow <- LV_open_ct %>%
dplyr::select(GEOID, origins_cnt, dests_cnt) %>%
rename(Inflow = dests_cnt, Outflow = origins_cnt) %>%
mutate(NetInflow = Inflow - Outflow,
NetInflowRate = (Inflow - Outflow)/Inflow)
LV_net_inoutflow[] <- 0
most_pickups <- LV_net_inoutflow$GEOID[LV_net_inoutflow$Outflow==max(LV_net_inoutflow$Outflow)]
most_dropoffs <- LV_net_inoutflow$GEOID[LV_net_inoutflow$Inflow==max(LV_net_inoutflow$Inflow)]
most_pickups_ct <- subset(LV_net_inoutflow,LV_net_inoutflow$GEOID==most_pickups)
most_dropoffs_ct <- subset(LV_net_inoutflow,LV_net_inoutflow$GEOID==most_dropoffs)
max_inflow <- max(abs(LV_net_inoutflow$NetInflow))
max_inflowRate <- max(abs(LV_net_inoutflow$NetInflowRate))
### users events####
# Read the structured rebalance data - users events
LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
# LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs <- readRDS(LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_RDS)
# extract x y of geometry
LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs[c("lon_s", "lat_s")] <-,
lapply(strsplit(as.character(LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs$trip_origin), "[()]"),
function(col) {
(parts <- unlist(strsplit(col[2], ",")))
LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs[c("lon_d", "lat_d")] <-,
lapply(strsplit(as.character(LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs$trip_dest), "[()]"),
function(col) {
(parts <- unlist(strsplit(col[2], ",")))
LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs$lon_s <- as.numeric(LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs$lon_s)
LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs$lat_s <- as.numeric(LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs$lat_s)
LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs$lon_d <- as.numeric(LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs$lon_d)
LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs$lat_d <- as.numeric(LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs$lat_d)
LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_sf <- st_as_sf(LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs, sf_column_name = "trip_origin", crs=LV_proj)
LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_ct <- st_join(LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_sf, LV_Census_geoinfo %>% dplyr::select(GEOID), st_within, left=T) %>%
LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_ct <- st_as_sf(, sf_column_name = "trip_dest",crs=LV_proj)
LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_ct <- st_join(LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_ct, LV_Census_geoinfo %>% dplyr::select(GEOID), st_within, left=T) %>%
### rebalance events####
# Read the structured rebalance data - rebalance events
LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
# LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs <- readRDS(LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_RDS)
# extract x y of geometry
LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs[c("lon_s", "lat_s")] <-,
lapply(strsplit(as.character(LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs$trip_origin), "[()]"),
function(col) {
(parts <- unlist(strsplit(col[2], ",")))
LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs[c("lon_d", "lat_d")] <-,
lapply(strsplit(as.character(LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs$trip_dest), "[()]"),
function(col) {
(parts <- unlist(strsplit(col[2], ",")))
LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs$lon_s <- as.numeric(LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs$lon_s)
LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs$lat_s <- as.numeric(LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs$lat_s)
LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs$lon_d <- as.numeric(LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs$lon_d)
LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs$lat_d <- as.numeric(LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs$lat_d)
LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_sf <- st_as_sf(LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs, sf_column_name = "trip_origin",crs=LV_proj)
LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_ct <- st_join(LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_sf, LV_Census_geoinfo %>% dplyr::select(GEOID), st_within, left=T) %>%
LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_ct <- st_as_sf(, sf_column_name = "trip_dest",crs=LV_proj)
LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_ct <- st_join(LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_ct, LV_Census_geoinfo %>% dplyr::select(GEOID), st_within, left=T) %>%
# save the data ####
LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_ct_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
# saveRDS(LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_ct,
# file = LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_ct_RDS)
LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_ct_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
# saveRDS(LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_ct,
# file = LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_ct_RDS)
# Collect census data and geometries
DC_Census_raw <- get_acs(geography = "tract",
variables = census_vars,
year = 2018,
state = "DC",
geometry = TRUE,
# county=c("Travis"),
output = "wide") %>%
rename_census_cols %>%
census_colNames) %>%
DC_Census_geoinfo <- DC_Census_raw %>%
dplyr::select(GEOID, geometry)
# extract centroid of each census tract
DC_Census_geoinfo <- DC_Census_geoinfo %>%
mutate(centroid_X = st_coordinates(st_centroid(DC_Census_geoinfo))[, 1],
centroid_Y = st_coordinates(st_centroid(DC_Census_geoinfo))[, 2])
DC_Census <- DC_Census_raw %>%
mutate(pWhite = White_Pop / TotPop,
Mean_Commute_Time = Total_Travel_Time / Num_Commuters,
pTrans = Total_Public_Trans / Means_of_Transport_pop,
pDrive = Total_cartruckvan/Means_of_Transport_pop,
pFemale = TotFemale/TotPop,
pCom30plus = (Travel_Time_3034 + Travel_Time_3539 + Travel_Time_4044 + Travel_Time_4559 +
Travel_Time_6089 + Travel_Time_90plus) / Total_Travel_Time,
pOccupied = Occupied/Total_occupancy,
pVehAvai = 1 - No_vehicle / Vehicle_own_pop)
# names(DC_Census)
DC_Census <- DC_Census %>%
dplyr::select(GEOID, TotPop, TotHseUni, MdHHInc, MdAge, MedValue, MedRent, pWhite, Mean_Commute_Time,
pTrans, pDrive, pFemale, pCom30plus, pOccupied, pVehAvai)
DC_tract_list <- DC_Census_geoinfo$GEOID
DC_Census_ct <- DC_Census %>%
filter(DC_Census$GEOID %in% DC_tract_list) %>%
# rejoin geometry infor from ct_LV
DC_Census_ct <- merge(DC_Census_geoinfo, DC_Census_ct, by = 'GEOID')
### Open Data ----
# Count origins for eaDC census tract
DC_open_origins_ct <- DC_Census_ct %>%
mutate(origins_cnt = (lengths(st_intersects(., DC_scooter_07to09_sf)))/3)
# Count dests for eaDC census tract ##not working for DC yet since not all trip dest can't be joined to street (some are trails)
#DC_open_dests_ct <- DC_Census_ct %>%
# mutate(dests_cnt = lengths(st_intersects(., DC_open_dests)))
DC_open_ct <- DC_open_origins_ct
# Combine
# DC_open_ct <- DC_open_origins_ct %>%
# left_join(DC_open_dests_ct %>%
# st_drop_geometry() %>%
# dplyr::select(GEOID, dests_cnt),
# by = "GEOID")
DC_scooter_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
# DC_scooter <- readRDS(DC_scooter_RDS)
### users events####
# Read the structured rebalance data - users events
DC_scooter_sf <- st_as_sf(DC_scooter_data %>% dplyr::select(-start_date, -end_date), coords = c('start_lon','start_lat'),crs=4326) %>%
st_transform(DC_proj) %>%
mutate(start_longitude = unlist(map(geometry, 1)),
start_latitude = unlist(map(geometry, 2)))
DC_scooter_ct <- st_join(DC_scooter_sf %>% st_transform(2246), DC_Census_geoinfo %>% dplyr::select(GEOID), st_within, left=T) %>%
DC_scooter_ct <- st_as_sf( %>% dplyr::select(-geometry) %>% na.omit(), coords = c('end_lon','end_lat'),crs=4326) %>%
st_transform(DC_proj) %>%
mutate(end_longitude = unlist(map(geometry, 1)),
end_longitude = unlist(map(geometry, 2)))
DC_scooter_ct <- st_join(DC_scooter_ct %>% st_transform(2246), DC_Census_geoinfo %>% dplyr::select(GEOID), st_within, left=T) %>%
DC_scooter_ct_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
# DC_scooter_ct <- readRDS(DC_scooter_ct_RDS)
# Read and input census key
census_key_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
census_key <- readRDS(census_key_RDS)
tidycensus::census_api_key(census_key, install = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
# Collect census data and geometries
AU_Census_raw <- get_acs(geography = "tract",
variables = census_vars,
year = 2018,
state = "TX",
geometry = TRUE,
output = "wide") %>%
rename_census_cols %>%
census_colNames) %>%
AU_Census_geoinfo <- AU_Census_raw %>%
dplyr::select(GEOID, geometry)
# st_intersection(LV_SA %>% dplyr::select(geometry))
# extract centroid of each census tract
AU_Census_geoinfo <- AU_Census_geoinfo %>%
mutate(centroid_X = st_coordinates(st_centroid(AU_Census_geoinfo))[, 1],
centroid_Y = st_coordinates(st_centroid(AU_Census_geoinfo))[, 2])
AU_Census <- AU_Census_raw %>%
mutate(pWhite = White_Pop / TotPop,
Mean_Commute_Time = Total_Travel_Time / Num_Commuters,
pTrans = Total_Public_Trans / Means_of_Transport_pop,
pDrive = Total_cartruckvan/Means_of_Transport_pop,
pFemale = TotFemale/TotPop,
pCom30plus = (Travel_Time_3034 + Travel_Time_3539 + Travel_Time_4044 + Travel_Time_4559 +
Travel_Time_6089 + Travel_Time_90plus) / Total_Travel_Time,
pOccupied = Occupied/Total_occupancy,
pVehAvai = 1 - No_vehicle / Vehicle_own_pop)
# names(AU_Census)
AU_Census <- AU_Census %>%
dplyr::select(GEOID, TotPop, TotHseUni, MdHHInc, MdAge, MedValue, MedRent, pWhite, Mean_Commute_Time,
pTrans, pDrive, pFemale, pCom30plus, pOccupied, pVehAvai)
AU_tract_list <- AU_Census_geoinfo$GEOID
AU_Census_ct <- AU_Census %>%
filter(AU_Census$GEOID %in% AU_tract_list) %>%
# rejoin geometry infor from ct_LV
AU_Census_ct <- merge(AU_Census_geoinfo, AU_Census_ct, by = 'GEOID')
AU_open_ct <- merge(AU_Census_ct, AU_open_origins_ct, by.x = 'GEOID', by.y = 'census_tract_start')
### Open Data ----
# Count origins for each census tract
AU_cnt_origins <- AU_scooter %>%
filter(month %in% c(7,8,9),
AU_scooter_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
# AU_scooter <- readRDS(AU_scooter_RDS)
AU_open_origins_ct <- AU_Census_ct %>%
mutate(origins_cnt = lengths(st_intersects(., LV_open_origins)))
# Count dests for each census tract
LV_open_dests_ct <- LV_Census_ct %>%
mutate(dests_cnt = lengths(st_intersects(., LV_open_dests)))
# Combine
LV_open_ct <- LV_open_origins_ct %>%
left_join(LV_open_dests_ct %>%
st_drop_geometry() %>%
dplyr::select(GEOID, dests_cnt),
by = "GEOID")
AU_ORIGINS <- AU_cnt_origins %>%
group_by(census_tract_start) %>%
summarise(Outflow = n()) %>%
AU_DESTS <- AU_cnt_origins %>%
group_by(census_tract_end) %>%
summarise(Inflow = n()) %>%
AU_net_inoutflow <- merge(AU_ORIGINS, AU_DESTS, all = T, by.x='census_tract_start', by.y='census_tract_end')
AU_net_inoutflow[] <- 0
AU_net_inoutflow <- AU_net_inoutflow %>%
mutate(NetInflow = Inflow - Outflow) %>%
merge(AU_Census_geoinfo %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, geometry), by.x='census_tract_start', by.y='GEOID')
most_pickups <- AU_net_inoutflow$census_tract_start[AU_net_inoutflow$Outflow==max(AU_net_inoutflow$Outflow)]
most_dropoffs <- AU_net_inoutflow$census_tract_start[AU_net_inoutflow$Inflow==max(AU_net_inoutflow$Inflow)]
AU_net_inoutflow <- AU_net_inoutflow %>%
mutate(NetInflowRate = (Inflow - Outflow)/Inflow)
AU_net_inoutflow$NetInflowRate[is.infinite(AU_net_inoutflow$NetInflowRate)] <- 0
most_pickups_ct <- subset(AU_net_inoutflow,AU_net_inoutflow$census_tract_start==most_pickups) %>%
merge(AU_Census_geoinfo %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, geometry), by.x='census_tract_start', by.y='GEOID')
most_dropoffs_ct <- subset(AU_net_inoutflow,AU_net_inoutflow$census_tract_start==most_dropoffs) %>%
merge(AU_Census_geoinfo %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, geometry), by.x='census_tract_start', by.y='GEOID')
max_inflow <- max(abs(AU_net_inoutflow$NetInflow))
max_inflowRate <- max(abs(AU_net_inoutflow$NetInflowRate))
# Read and input census key
census_key_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
census_key <- readRDS(census_key_RDS)
tidycensus::census_api_key(census_key, install = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
# Collect census data and geometries
MNP_Census_raw <- get_acs(geography = "tract",
variables = census_vars,
year = 2018,
state = "MN",
geometry = TRUE,
county = c("Hennepin"),
output = "wide") %>%
rename_census_cols %>%
census_colNames) %>%
MNP_Census_geoinfo <- MNP_Census_raw %>%
dplyr::select(GEOID, geometry) %>%
st_intersection(MNP_ct %>% dplyr::select(geometry))
# extract centroid of each census tract
MNP_Census_geoinfo <- MNP_Census_geoinfo %>%
mutate(centroid_X = st_coordinates(st_centroid(MNP_Census_geoinfo))[, 1],
centroid_Y = st_coordinates(st_centroid(MNP_Census_geoinfo))[, 2])
MNP_Census <- MNP_Census_raw %>%
mutate(pWhite = White_Pop / TotPop,
Mean_Commute_Time = Total_Travel_Time / Num_Commuters,
pTrans = Total_Public_Trans / Means_of_Transport_pop,
pDrive = Total_cartruckvan/Means_of_Transport_pop,
pFemale = TotFemale/TotPop,
pCom30plus = (Travel_Time_3034 + Travel_Time_3539 + Travel_Time_4044 + Travel_Time_4559 +
Travel_Time_6089 + Travel_Time_90plus) / Total_Travel_Time,
pOccupied = Occupied/Total_occupancy,
pVehAvai = 1 - No_vehicle / Vehicle_own_pop)
MNP_Census <- MNP_Census %>%
dplyr::select(GEOID, TotPop, TotHseUni, MdHHInc, MdAge, MedValue, MedRent, pWhite, Mean_Commute_Time,
pTrans, pDrive, pFemale, pCom30plus, pOccupied, pVehAvai)
MNP_tract_list <- MNP_Census_geoinfo$GEOID
MNP_Census_ct <- MNP_Census %>%
filter(MNP_Census$GEOID %in% MNP_tract_list) %>%
# rejoin geometry infor from ct_LV
MNP_Census_ct <- merge(MNP_Census_geoinfo, MNP_Census_ct, by = 'GEOID')
### Open Data ----
# Count origins for each census tract
MNP_open_origins_ct <- MNP_Census_ct %>%
mutate(origins_cnt = (lengths(st_intersects(., MNP_scooter_07to09_ori %>% st_transform(2246)))))
# Count dests for each census tract ##not working for MNP yet since not all trip dest can't be joined to street (some are trails)
# MNP_open_dests_ct <- MNP_Census_ct %>%
# mutate(dests_cnt = lengths(st_intersects(., MNP_open_dests)))
MNP_open_ct <- MNP_open_origins_ct
# Combine
# MNP_open_ct <- MNP_open_origins_ct %>%
# left_join(MNP_open_dests_ct %>%
# st_drop_geometry() %>%
# dplyr::select(GEOID, dests_cnt),
# by = "GEOID")
MNP_net_inoutflow <- rename(MNP_open_origins_ct, Outflow=origins_cnt)
# Read and input census key
census_key_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
census_key <- readRDS(census_key_RDS)
tidycensus::census_api_key(census_key, install = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
# Collect census data and geometries
KC_Census_raw <- get_acs(geography = "tract",
variables = census_vars,
year = 2018,
state = "MO",
geometry = TRUE,
county=c("Jackson","Platte", "Clay"),
output = "wide") %>%
rename_census_cols %>%
census_colNames) %>%
# KC_Census_raw2 <- get_acs(geography = "tract",
# variables = census_vars,
# year = 2018,
# state = "KS",
# geometry = TRUE,
# county=c("Johnson"),
# output = "wide") %>%
# rename_census_cols %>%
# dplyr::select(GEOID,
# geometry,
# census_colNames) %>%
# st_transform(KC_proj)
# KC_Census_raw <- rbind(KC_Census_raw1, KC_Census_raw2)
KC_Census_geoinfo <- KC_Census_raw %>%
dplyr::select(GEOID, geometry)
# st_intersection(LV_SA %>% dplyr::select(geometry))
# extract centroid of each census tract
KC_Census_geoinfo <- KC_Census_geoinfo %>%
mutate(centroid_X = st_coordinates(st_centroid(KC_Census_geoinfo))[, 1],
centroid_Y = st_coordinates(st_centroid(KC_Census_geoinfo))[, 2])
KC_Census <- KC_Census_raw %>%
mutate(pWhite = White_Pop / TotPop,
Mean_Commute_Time = Total_Travel_Time / Num_Commuters,
pTrans = Total_Public_Trans / Means_of_Transport_pop,
pDrive = Total_cartruckvan/Means_of_Transport_pop,
pFemale = TotFemale/TotPop,
pCom30plus = (Travel_Time_3034 + Travel_Time_3539 + Travel_Time_4044 + Travel_Time_4559 +
Travel_Time_6089 + Travel_Time_90plus) / Total_Travel_Time,
pOccupied = Occupied/Total_occupancy,
pVehAvai = 1 - No_vehicle / Vehicle_own_pop)
# names(KC_Census)
KC_Census <- KC_Census %>%
dplyr::select(GEOID, TotPop, TotHseUni, MdHHInc, MdAge, MedValue, MedRent, pWhite, Mean_Commute_Time,
pTrans, pDrive, pFemale, pCom30plus, pOccupied, pVehAvai)
KC_tract_list <- KC_Census_geoinfo$GEOID
KC_Census_ct <- KC_Census %>%
filter(KC_Census$GEOID %in% KC_tract_list) %>%
# rejoin geometry infor
KC_Census_ct <- merge(KC_Census_geoinfo, KC_Census_ct, by = 'GEOID')
### Open Data ----
# Count origins for each census tract
KC_scooter_ct_origins <- KC_scooter_ct %>%
mutate(month = month(KC_scooter_ct$start_time),
year = year(KC_scooter_ct$start_time))
KC_cnt_origins <- KC_scooter_ct_origins %>%
subset((month %in% c(7,8,9)) & (year==2019)) %>%
KC_open_origins_ct <- KC_cnt_origins %>%
group_by(Start.Census.Tract) %>%
summarise(origins_cnt = n())
# Count dests for each census tract
KC_open_dests_ct <- KC_cnt_origins %>%
group_by(End.Census.Tract) %>%
summarise(dests_cnt = n())
# Combine
KC_open_ct <- KC_open_origins_ct %>%
left_join(KC_open_dests_ct %>%
st_drop_geometry() %>%
dplyr::select(End.Census.Tract, dests_cnt),
by = c("Start.Census.Tract"="End.Census.Tract"))
### users events####
# Read the structured rebalance data - users events
KC_scooter_sf <- st_as_sf(KC_scooter %>% na.omit(), coords = c('start_longitude','start_latitude'),crs=4326) %>%
mutate(start_longitude = unlist(map(geometry, 1)),
start_latitude = unlist(map(geometry, 2))) %>%
KC_scooter_ct <- st_join(KC_scooter_sf, KC_Census_geoinfo %>% dplyr::select(GEOID), st_within, left=T) %>%
KC_scooter_ct <- st_as_sf( %>% dplyr::select(-geometry), coords = c('end_longitude','end_latitude'),crs=4326) %>%
st_transform(KC_proj) %>%
mutate(end_longitude = unlist(map(geometry, 1)),
end_latitude = unlist(map(geometry, 2)))
KC_scooter_ct <- st_join(KC_scooter_ct, KC_Census_geoinfo %>% dplyr::select(GEOID), st_within, left=T) %>%
KC_scooter_ct_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
"~RData/Kansas City/KC_scooter_ct")
# KC_scooter_ct <- readRDS(KC_scooter_ct_RDS)
# saveRDS(KC_scooter_ct,
# file = KC_scooter_ct_RDS)
KC_scooter_07to09 <- KC_scooter_ct %>%
filter(year(start_time) == 2019, month(start_time) > 6 & month(start_time) < 10)
# plot net inflow/outflow
KC_ORIGINS <- KC_scooter_07to09 %>%
group_by(Start.Census.Tract) %>%
summarise(Outflow = n()) %>%
KC_DESTS <- KC_scooter_07to09 %>%
group_by(End.Census.Tract) %>%
summarise(Inflow = n()) %>%
KC_net_inoutflow <- merge(KC_ORIGINS %>% st_set_geometry(NULL), KC_DESTS %>% st_set_geometry(NULL), all = T, by.x='Start.Census.Tract', by.y='End.Census.Tract')
KC_net_inoutflow[] <- 0
KC_net_inoutflow <- KC_net_inoutflow %>%
mutate(NetInflow = Inflow - Outflow) %>%
merge(KC_Census_geoinfo %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, geometry), by.x='Start.Census.Tract', by.y='GEOID')
most_pickups <- KC_net_inoutflow$Start.Census.Tract[KC_net_inoutflow$Outflow==max(KC_net_inoutflow$Outflow)]
most_dropoffs <- KC_net_inoutflow$Start.Census.Tract[KC_net_inoutflow$Inflow==max(KC_net_inoutflow$Inflow)]
KC_net_inoutflow <- KC_net_inoutflow %>%
mutate(NetInflowRate = (Inflow - Outflow)/Inflow)
most_pickups_ct <- subset(KC_net_inoutflow,KC_net_inoutflow$Start.Census.Tract==most_pickups)
most_dropoffs_ct <- subset(KC_net_inoutflow,KC_net_inoutflow$Start.Census.Tract==most_dropoffs)
max_inflow <- max(abs(KC_net_inoutflow$NetInflow))
max_inflowRate <- max(abs(KC_net_inoutflow$NetInflowRate))
# Read and input census key
census_key_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
census_key <- readRDS(census_key_RDS)
tidycensus::census_api_key(census_key, install = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
# Collect census data and geometries
CH_Census_raw <- get_acs(geography = "tract",
variables = census_vars,
year = 2018,
state = "IL",
geometry = TRUE,
county = c("Cook"),
output = "wide") %>%
rename_census_cols %>%
census_colNames) %>%
CH_tract_list <- CH_ct$geoid10
CH_Census_geoinfo <- CH_Census_raw %>%
dplyr::select(GEOID, geometry)
# extract centroid of each census tract
CH_ct <- CH_ct %>%
mutate(centroid_X = st_coordinates(st_centroid(CH_ct))[, 1],
centroid_Y = st_coordinates(st_centroid(CH_ct))[, 2])
CH_Census <- CH_Census_raw %>%
mutate(pWhite = White_Pop / TotPop,
Mean_Commute_Time = Total_Travel_Time / Num_Commuters,
pTrans = Total_Public_Trans / Means_of_Transport_pop,
pDrive = Total_cartruckvan/Means_of_Transport_pop,
pFemale = TotFemale/TotPop,
pCom30plus = (Travel_Time_3034 + Travel_Time_3539 + Travel_Time_4044 + Travel_Time_4559 +
Travel_Time_6089 + Travel_Time_90plus) / Total_Travel_Time,
pOccupied = Occupied/Total_occupancy,
pVehAvai = 1 - No_vehicle / Vehicle_own_pop)
CH_Census <- CH_Census %>%
dplyr::select(GEOID, TotPop, TotHseUni, MdHHInc, MdAge, MedValue, MedRent, pWhite, Mean_Commute_Time,
pTrans, pDrive, pFemale, pCom30plus, pOccupied, pVehAvai)
CH_Census_ct <- CH_Census %>%
filter(CH_Census$GEOID %in% CH_tract_list) %>%
# rejoin geometry infor from ct_LV
CH_Census_ct <- merge(CH_ct, CH_Census_ct, by.x = 'geoid10', by.y = 'GEOID')
CH_Census_ct <- CH_Census_ct %>%
dplyr::select(-c(commarea, commarea_n, countyfp10, name10, namelsad10, notes, statefp10))
# Read in WAC Data
LV_WAC_file <- file.path(data_directory,
LV_WAC <- read_csv(LV_WAC_file) %>%
dplyr::select(geocode = w_geocode, C000) %>%
mutate(geocode = as.character(substr(geocode, 1, 11))) %>%
group_by(geocode) %>%
summarize(jobs_in_tract = sum(C000, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(geocode %in% LV_Census_geoinfo$GEOID) # from LV - 20 - Collect Census Data
# Read in RAC Data
LV_RAC_file <- file.path(data_directory,
LV_RAC <- read_csv(LV_RAC_file) %>%
dplyr::select(geocode = h_geocode, C000) %>%
mutate(geocode = as.character(substr(geocode, 1, 11))) %>%
group_by(geocode) %>%
summarize(workers_in_tract = sum(C000, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(geocode %in% LV_Census_geoinfo$GEOID) # from LV - 20 - Collect Census Data
# Join them
LV_LODES <- left_join(LV_WAC, LV_RAC, by = c("geocode"))
LV_LODES_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
# Read in WAC Data
DC_WAC_file <- file.path(data_directory,
DC_WAC <- read_csv(DC_WAC_file) %>%
dplyr::select(geocode = w_geocode, C000) %>%
mutate(geocode = as.character(substr(geocode, 1, 11))) %>%
group_by(geocode) %>%
summarize(jobs_in_tract = sum(C000, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(geocode %in% DC_tract_list)
# Read in RAC Data
DC_RAC_file <- file.path(data_directory,
DC_RAC <- read_csv(DC_RAC_file) %>%
dplyr::select(geocode = h_geocode, C000) %>%
mutate(geocode = as.character(substr(geocode, 1, 11))) %>%
group_by(geocode) %>%
summarize(workers_in_tract = sum(C000, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(geocode %in% DC_tract_list)
# Join them
DC_LODES <- left_join(DC_WAC, DC_RAC, by = c("geocode"))
DC_LODES_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
# Read in WAC Data
AU_WAC_file <- file.path(data_directory,
AU_WAC <- read_csv(AU_WAC_file) %>%
dplyr::select(geocode = w_geocode, C000) %>%
mutate(geocode = as.character(substr(geocode, 1, 11))) %>%
group_by(geocode) %>%
summarize(jobs_in_tract = sum(C000, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(geocode %in% AU_tract_list)
# Read in RAC Data
AU_RAC_file <- file.path(data_directory,
AU_RAC <- read_csv(AU_RAC_file) %>%
dplyr::select(geocode = h_geocode, C000) %>%
mutate(geocode = as.character(substr(geocode, 1, 11))) %>%
group_by(geocode) %>%
summarize(workers_in_tract = sum(C000, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(geocode %in% AU_tract_list)
# Join them
AU_LODES <- left_join(AU_WAC, AU_RAC, by = c("geocode"))
AU_LODES_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
# Read in WAC Data
MNP_WAC_file <- file.path(data_directory,
MNP_WAC <- read_csv(MNP_WAC_file) %>%
dplyr::select(geocode = w_geocode, C000) %>%
mutate(geocode = as.character(substr(geocode, 1, 11))) %>%
group_by(geocode) %>%
summarize(jobs_in_tract = sum(C000, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(geocode %in% MNP_tract_list)
# Read in RAC Data
MNP_RAC_file <- file.path(data_directory,
MNP_RAC <- read_csv(MNP_RAC_file) %>%
dplyr::select(geocode = h_geocode, C000) %>%
mutate(geocode = as.character(substr(geocode, 1, 11))) %>%
group_by(geocode) %>%
summarize(workers_in_tract = sum(C000, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(geocode %in% MNP_tract_list)
# Join them
MNP_LODES <- left_join(MNP_WAC, MNP_RAC, by = c("geocode"))
MNP_LODES_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
# Read in WAC Data
KC_WAC_file <- file.path(data_directory,
KC_WAC <- read_csv(KC_WAC_file) %>%
dplyr::select(geocode = w_geocode, C000) %>%
mutate(geocode = as.character(substr(geocode, 1, 11))) %>%
group_by(geocode) %>%
summarize(jobs_in_tract = sum(C000, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(geocode %in% KC_tract_list)
# Read in RAC Data
KC_RAC_file <- file.path(data_directory,
KC_RAC <- read_csv(KC_RAC_file) %>%
dplyr::select(geocode = h_geocode, C000) %>%
mutate(geocode = as.character(substr(geocode, 1, 11))) %>%
group_by(geocode) %>%
summarize(workers_in_tract = sum(C000, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(geocode %in% KC_tract_list)
# Join them
KC_LODES <- left_join(KC_WAC, KC_RAC, by = c("geocode"))
KC_LODES_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
"~RData/Kansas City/KC_LODES")
# Read in WAC Data
CH_WAC_file <- file.path(data_directory,
CH_WAC <- read_csv(CH_WAC_file) %>%
dplyr::select(geocode = w_geocode, C000) %>%
mutate(geocode = as.character(substr(geocode, 1, 11))) %>%
group_by(geocode) %>%
summarize(jobs_in_tract = sum(C000, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(geocode %in% CH_tract_list)
# Read in RAC Data
CH_RAC_file <- file.path(data_directory,
CH_RAC <- read_csv(CH_RAC_file) %>%
dplyr::select(geocode = h_geocode, C000) %>%
mutate(geocode = as.character(substr(geocode, 1, 11))) %>%
group_by(geocode) %>%
summarize(workers_in_tract = sum(C000, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(geocode %in% CH_tract_list)
# Join them
CH_LODES <- left_join(CH_WAC, CH_RAC, by = c("geocode"))
CH_LODES_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
### using osm to grab data####
LV_college2 <- opq ("Louisville USA") %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'amenity', value = c("university", "college")) %>%
LV_college2 <- st_geometry(LV_college2$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(LV_proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(LV_SA) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'College',
City = 'Louisville') %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
geom_sf(data = LV_Census_ct, fill = "white")+
geom_sf(data = LV_college, shape = 23, fill = "cornflowerblue", size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = LV_college2, color = "red", size = 1.5)+
geom_sf(data = LV_SA, fill='transparent')+
labs(title = "Location of offices, retails, and colleges in Louisville",
subtitle = "Red dots as office, orange dots as retails, and blue dots as colleges") +
Get_OSM <- function ()
# restaurant ####
LV_restaurant <- opq ("Louisville USA") %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'amenity', value = c("restaurant", "fast_food")) %>%
LV_restaurant <- st_geometry(LV_restaurant$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(LV_proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(LV_SA) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Restaurant',
City = 'Louisville') %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# public transport ####
LV_public_transport <- opq ("Louisville USA") %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'public_transport', value = c("stop_position", "station")) %>%
LV_public_transport <- st_geometry(LV_public_transport$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(LV_proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(LV_SA) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Public.Transport',
City = 'Louisville') %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# retail ####
LV_retail <- opq ("Louisville USA") %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'shop') %>%
LV_retail <- st_geometry(LV_retail$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(LV_proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(LV_SA) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Retails',
City = 'Louisville') %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# office ####
LV_office <- opq ("Louisville USA") %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'office') %>%
LV_office <- st_geometry(LV_office$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(LV_proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(LV_SA) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Office',
City = 'Louisville') %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# cycleway ####
LV_cycleway <- opq ("Louisville USA") %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'cycleway') %>%
LV_cycleway <- st_geometry(LV_cycleway$osm_lines) %>%
st_transform(LV_proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(LV_SA) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Cycleway',
City = 'Louisville') %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
LV_cycleway %>% st_join(LV_Census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(LV_SA))
# leisure ####
LV_leisure <- opq ("Louisville USA") %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'leisure') %>%
LV_leisure <- st_geometry(LV_leisure$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(LV_proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(LV_SA) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Leisure',
City = 'Louisville') %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# tourism ####
LV_tourism <- opq ("Louisville USA") %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'tourism', value = c("aquarium", "artwork", "attraction", "gallery", "museumm", "theme_park", 'viewpoint', 'zoo')) %>%
LV_tourism <- st_geometry(LV_tourism$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(LV_proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(LV_SA) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Tourism',
City = 'Louisville') %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# street ####
LV_street <- st_read('') %>%
LV_street <- LV_street %>% st_join(LV_Census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(LV_SA))
## code to plot and check the OSM data
geom_sf(data = LV_Census_ct, fill = "white")+
geom_sf(data = LV_cycleway, color = "chartreuse3", size = 1.5, alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = LV_leisure, color = "lightsalmon",alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = LV_street, color = "lightblue",alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = LV_SA,fill='transparent')+
labs(title = "Location of cycleway and leisure places in Louisville",
subtitle = "Green lines as cycleway and light pink dots as leisure places") +
geom_sf(data = LV_Census_ct, fill = "white")+
geom_sf(data = LV_restaurant, color = "turquoise",alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = LV_tourism, color = "hotpink", alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = LV_SA,fill='transparent')+
labs(title = "Location of restaurant and tourism spots in Louisville",
subtitle = "Turqoise dots as restaurants and pink dots as tourism spots") +
geom_sf(data = LV_Census_ct, fill = "white")+
geom_sf(data = LV_office, color = "indianred2", alpha = 0.6, size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = LV_retail, color = "orange", alpha = 0.6, size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = LV_college%>%st_intersection(LV_SA), shape = 23, fill = "cornflowerblue", size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = LV_SA,fill='transparent')+
labs(title = "Location of offices, retails, and colleges in Louisville",
subtitle = "Red dots as office, orange dots as retails, and blue dots as colleges") +
ncol = 3)
## create a panal to store spatial effects ####
LV_Census_panel <- LV_Census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(LV_SA %>% dplyr::select(geometry))
#### KNN ####
# nn function ####
nn_function <- function(measureFrom,measureTo,k) {
measureFrom_Matrix <-
measureTo_Matrix <-
nn <-
get.knnx(measureTo, measureFrom, k)$nn.dist
output <- %>%
rownames_to_column(var = "thisPoint") %>%
gather(points, point_distance, V1:ncol(.)) %>%
arrange(as.numeric(thisPoint)) %>%
group_by(thisPoint) %>%
summarize(pointDistance = mean(point_distance)) %>%
arrange(as.numeric(thisPoint)) %>%
dplyr::select(-thisPoint) %>%
# knn for each spatial effects ####
LV_Census_panel$KNN_college <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(LV_college %>% st_coordinates()),
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data=LV_Census_panel ,aes(fill=KNN_college))+
scale_fill_viridis(direction = -1)
LV_Census_panel$KNN_restaurant <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(LV_restaurant %>% st_coordinates()),
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data=LV_Census_panel ,aes(fill=KNN_restaurant))+
scale_fill_viridis(direction = -1)
LV_Census_panel$KNN_public_transport <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(LV_public_transport %>% st_coordinates()),
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data=LV_Census_panel ,aes(fill=KNN_public_transport))+
scale_fill_viridis(direction = -1)
LV_Census_panel$KNN_office <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(LV_office %>% st_coordinates()),
LV_Census_panel$KNN_retail <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(LV_retail %>% st_coordinates()),
LV_Census_panel$KNN_tourism <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(LV_tourism %>% st_coordinates()),
LV_Census_panel$KNN_leisure <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(LV_leisure %>% st_coordinates()),
LV_Census_geoinfo$area <- as.numeric(st_area(LV_Census_geoinfo))*9.29e-8
# retail ####
LV_retail_ct <- st_join(LV_Census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(LV_SA), LV_retail) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_retail= n())
LV_retail_ct$density_retail <- LV_retail_ct$count_retail/LV_retail_ct$area
ggplot() +
# office ####
LV_office_ct <- st_join(LV_Census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(LV_SA), LV_office) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_office= n())
LV_office_ct$density_office <- LV_office_ct$count_office/LV_office_ct$area
ggplot() +
# restaurant ####
LV_restaurant_ct <- st_join(LV_Census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(LV_SA),LV_restaurant) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_restaurant= n())
LV_restaurant_ct$density_restaurant <- LV_restaurant_ct$count_restaurant/LV_restaurant_ct$area
ggplot() +
# public transport ####
LV_public_transport_ct <- st_join(LV_Census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(LV_SA),LV_public_transport) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_pubtran= n())
LV_public_transport_ct$density_pubtran <- LV_public_transport_ct$count_pubtran/LV_public_transport_ct$area
#LV_Census_panel$density_pubtran <- LV_public_transport_ct$density_pubtran
ggplot() +
# cycleway ####
LV_cycleway_ct_len <- st_intersection(LV_cycleway,LV_Census_geoinfo) %>%
mutate(length = as.numeric(st_length(.))*0.000189394) %>%
group_by(GEOID) %>%
summarise(total_length = sum(length)) %>%
st_set_geometry(NULL) %>%
merge(LV_Census_geoinfo, on='GEOID', all.y=T) %>%
LV_cycleway_ct_len$total_length <- replace_na(LV_cycleway_ct_len$total_length,0) %>% st_intersection(LV_SA)
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data=LV_cycleway_ct_len %>% st_intersection(LV_SA),aes(fill=total_length))+
# leisure ####
LV_leisure_ct <- st_join(LV_Census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(LV_SA), LV_leisure) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_leisure= n())
LV_leisure_ct$density_leisure <- LV_leisure_ct$count_leisure/LV_leisure_ct$area
ggplot() +
# tourism ####
LV_tourism_ct <- st_join(LV_Census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(LV_SA), LV_tourism) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_tourism= n())
LV_tourism_ct$density_tourism <- LV_tourism_ct$count_tourism/LV_tourism_ct$area
# college ####
LV_college_ct <- st_join(LV_Census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(LV_SA), LV_college) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_college= n())
LV_college_ct$density_college <- LV_college_ct$count_college/LV_college_ct$area
ggplot() +
# street ####
LV_street_ct_len <- st_intersection(LV_street,LV_Census_geoinfo) %>%
mutate(length = as.numeric(st_length(.))*0.000189394) %>%
group_by(GEOID) %>%
summarise(total_length = sum(length)) %>%
st_set_geometry(NULL) %>%
merge(LV_Census_geoinfo, on='GEOID', all.y=T) %>%
LV_street_ct_len$total_length <- replace_na(LV_street_ct_len$total_length,0)
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data=LV_street_ct_len %>% st_intersection(LV_SA),aes(fill=total_length))+
# create panel
LV_spatial_panel <- left_join(LV_Census_panel, LV_retail_ct%>%st_set_geometry(NULL)%>%dplyr::select(GEOID, count_retail, density_retail), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(LV_office_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_office, density_office), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(LV_leisure_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_leisure, density_leisure), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(LV_tourism_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_tourism, density_tourism), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(LV_public_transport_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_pubtran,density_pubtran), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(LV_restaurant_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_restaurant, density_restaurant), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(LV_college_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_college, density_college), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(LV_cycleway_ct_len %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, total_length), by = 'GEOID')
LV_spatial_panel[] <- 0
LV_spatial_panel_RDS <- file.path(data_directory, "~RData/Louisville/LV_spatial_panel")
# saveRDS(LV_spatial_panel,
# file = LV_spatial_panel_RDS)
# LV_spatial_panel <- readRDS(LV_spatial_panel_RDS)
LV_spatial_census <- left_join(LV_spatial_panel, LV_open_ct%>%st_set_geometry(NULL)%>%dplyr::select(-centroid_X, -centroid_Y), by = 'GEOID')
LV_spatial_census <- LV_spatial_census %>%
dplyr::select(-KNN_university) %>%
mutate(city = 'Louisville')
LV_spatial_census_RDS <- file.path(data_directory, "~RData/Louisville/LV_spatial_census")
# saveRDS(LV_spatial_census,
# file = LV_spatial_census_RDS)
# LV_spatial_census <- readRDS(LV_spatial_census_RDS)
LV_ori_spatial_correlation.long <-
st_set_geometry(LV_spatial_census, NULL) %>%
dplyr::select(origins_cnt, KNN_college, KNN_restaurant, KNN_public_transport,
KNN_retail, KNN_office, KNN_tourism, KNN_leisure, count_retail,
density_retail, count_office, density_office, count_leisure,
density_leisure, count_tourism, density_tourism,count_pubtran,
density_pubtran, count_restaurant, density_restaurant,
count_college, density_college, total_length) %>%
gather(Variable, Value, -origins_cnt )
LV_ori_spatial_correlation.cor <-
LV_ori_spatial_correlation.long %>%
group_by(Variable) %>%
summarize(correlation = cor(Value, origins_cnt, use = "complete.obs"))
ggplot(LV_ori_spatial_correlation.long, aes(Value, origins_cnt)) +
geom_point(size = 0.1) +
geom_text(data = LV_ori_spatial_correlation.cor, aes(label = paste("r =", round(correlation, 2))),
x=-Inf, y=Inf, vjust = 1, hjust = -.1) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE, colour = "gold") +
facet_wrap(~Variable, ncol = 5, scales = "free") +
labs(title = "Origin count as a function of spatial factors")
#********************* the variables******************####
city_name = "Washington DC" ####
proj = DC_proj # city projection ####
boundary = DC_Census_geoinfo # service area boundary ####
census_ct = DC_Census_ct # census tract ecosocia data ####
origin_ct = DC_open_ct #census tract with count of trip origins
census_geoinfo = DC_Census_geoinfo ####
### using osm to grab data####
college <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'amenity', value = c("university", "college")) %>%
college <- st_geometry(college$osm_polygons) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
st_centroid() %>%
mutate(Legend = 'College',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
#Get_OSM <- function ()
# restaurant ####
restaurant <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'amenity', value = c("restaurant", "fast_food")) %>%
restaurant <- st_geometry(restaurant$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Restaurant',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# public transport ####
public_transport <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'public_transport', value = c("stop_position", "station")) %>%
public_transport <- st_geometry(public_transport$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Public.Transport',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# retail ####
retail <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'shop') %>%
retail <- st_geometry(retail$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Retails',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# office ####
office <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'office') %>%
office <- st_geometry(office$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Office',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# cycleway ####
cycleway <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'cycleway') %>%
cycleway <- st_geometry(cycleway$osm_lines) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Cycleway',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
cycleway %>% st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary))
# leisure ####
leisure <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'leisure', value = c('adult_gaming_center','amusement_arcade','common','fitness_center','hackerspace','park',
'pitch','stadium')) %>%
leisure <- st_geometry(leisure$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Leisure',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# tourism ####
tourism <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'tourism', value = c("aquarium", "artwork", "attraction", "gallery", "museumm", "theme_park", 'viewpoint', 'zoo')) %>%
tourism <- st_geometry(tourism$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Tourism',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
## code to plot and check the OSM data
geom_sf(data = census_ct, fill = "white")+
#geom_sf(data = LV_college, shape = 23, fill = "cornflowerblue", size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = college, color = "red", size = 1.5)+
geom_sf(data = boundary, fill='transparent')+
labs(title = paste("Location of offices, retails, and colleges in",city_name),
subtitle = "Red dots as office, orange dots as retails, and blue dots as colleges") +
geom_sf(data = census_ct, fill = "white")+
geom_sf(data = leisure, color = "lightsalmon",alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = cycleway, color = "chartreuse3", size = 1.5, alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = boundary,fill='transparent')+
labs(title = paste("Location of cycleway and leisure places in", city_name),
subtitle = "Green lines as cycleway and light pink dots as leisure places") +
geom_sf(data = census_ct, fill = "white")+
geom_sf(data = restaurant, color = "turquoise",alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = tourism, color = "hotpink", alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = boundary,fill='transparent')+
labs(title = paste("Location of restaurant and tourism spots in", city_name),
subtitle = "Turqoise dots as restaurants and pink dots as tourism spots") +
geom_sf(data = census_ct, fill = "white")+
geom_sf(data = office, color = "indianred2", alpha = 0.6, size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = retail, color = "orange", alpha = 0.6, size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = college, shape = 23, fill = "cornflowerblue", size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = boundary,fill='transparent')+
labs(title = paste("Location of offices, retails, and colleges in", city_name),
subtitle = "Red dots as office, orange dots as retails, and blue dots as colleges") +
ncol = 3)
# This script is for calculating the shortest distance from each city's census tract to
# the nearest (or 3 or 5 nearest) spatial features
# all features are calculated except for cycleway
## create a panal to store spatial effects ####
census_panel <- census_geoinfo %>%st_set_geometry(NULL)
#### KNN ####
# nn function ####
nn_function <- function(measureFrom,measureTo,k) {
measureFrom_Matrix <-
measureTo_Matrix <-
nn <-
get.knnx(measureTo, measureFrom, k)$nn.dist
output <- %>%
rownames_to_column(var = "thisPoint") %>%
gather(points, point_distance, V1:ncol(.)) %>%
arrange(as.numeric(thisPoint)) %>%
group_by(thisPoint) %>%
summarize(pointDistance = mean(point_distance)) %>%
arrange(as.numeric(thisPoint)) %>%
dplyr::select(-thisPoint) %>%
# knn for each spatial effects ####
census_panel$KNN_college <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(college %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_restaurant <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(restaurant %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_public_transport <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(public_transport %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_office <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(office %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_retail <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(retail %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_tourism <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(tourism %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_leisure <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(leisure %>% st_coordinates()),
## count and density ####
census_geoinfo$area <- as.numeric(st_area(census_geoinfo))*9.29e-8
# retail
retail_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), retail) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_retail= n())
retail_ct$density_retail <- retail_ct$count_retail/retail_ct$area
# office
office_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), office) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_office= n())
office_ct$density_office <- office_ct$count_office/office_ct$area
# restaurant
restaurant_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary),restaurant) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_restaurant= n())
restaurant_ct$density_restaurant <- restaurant_ct$count_restaurant/restaurant_ct$area
# public transport
public_transport_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary),public_transport) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_pubtran= n())
public_transport_ct$density_pubtran <- public_transport_ct$count_pubtran/public_transport_ct$area
# cycleway
cycleway_ct_len <- st_intersection(cycleway, boundary) %>%
mutate(length = as.numeric(st_length(.))*0.000189394) %>%
group_by(GEOID) %>%
summarise(total_length = sum(length)) %>%
st_set_geometry(NULL) %>%
merge(census_geoinfo, on='GEOID', all.y=T) %>%
cycleway_ct_len$total_length <- replace_na(cycleway_ct_len$total_length,0)
# leisure
leisure_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), leisure) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_leisure= n())
leisure_ct$density_leisure <- leisure_ct$count_leisure/leisure_ct$area
# tourism
tourism_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), tourism) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_tourism= n())
tourism_ct$density_tourism <- tourism_ct$count_tourism/tourism_ct$area
# college
college_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), college) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_college= n())
college_ct$density_college <- college_ct$count_college/college_ct$area
spatial_panel <- left_join(census_panel, retail_ct%>%st_set_geometry(NULL)%>%dplyr::select(GEOID, count_retail, density_retail), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(office_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_office, density_office), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(leisure_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_leisure, density_leisure), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(tourism_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_tourism, density_tourism), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(public_transport_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_pubtran,density_pubtran), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(restaurant_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_restaurant, density_restaurant), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(college_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_college, density_college), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(cycleway_ct_len %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, total_length), by = 'GEOID')
spatial_panel <- replace_na(spatial_panel, 0)
DC_spatial_panel <- spatial_panel
#might have different orgin_ct
#spatial_census <- left_join(spatial_panel, origin_ct%>%st_set_geometry(NULL)%>%dplyr::select(-centroid_X, -centroid_Y), by = 'GEOID')
DC_spatial_census <- left_join(DC_spatial_panel, DC_open_ct%>%st_set_geometry(NULL)%>%dplyr::select(-centroid_X, -centroid_Y), by = 'GEOID')
DC_spatial_census <- DC_spatial_census %>%
mutate(city = "Washington DC") %>%
DC_spatial_panel_RDS <- file.path(data_directory, "~RData/DC/DC_spatial_panel")
# saveRDS(DC_spatial_panel,
# file = DC_spatial_panel_RDS)
# DC_spatial_panel <- readRDS(DC_spatial_panel_RDS)
DC_spatial_census_RDS <- file.path(data_directory, "~RData/DC/DC_spatial_census")
# saveRDS(DC_spatial_census,
# file = DC_spatial_census_RDS)
# DC_spatial_census <- readRDS(DC_spatial_census_RDS)
#********************* the variables******************####
city_name = "Austin" ####
proj = AU_proj # city projection ####
boundary = AU_Census_geoinfo # service area boundary ####
census_ct = AU_Census_ct # census tract ecosocia data ####
origin_ct = AU_open_ct #census tract with count of trip origins
census_geoinfo = AU_Census_geoinfo ####
AU_Census_geoinfo <- AU_Census_geoinfo%>%
# crs(college)
### using osm to grab data####
college <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'amenity', value = c("university", "college")) %>%
college <- st_geometry(college$osm_polygons) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
st_centroid() %>%
mutate(Legend = 'College',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# restaurant ####
restaurant <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'amenity', value = c("restaurant", "fast_food")) %>%
restaurant <- st_geometry(restaurant$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Restaurant',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# public transport ####
public_transport <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'public_transport', value = c("stop_position", "station")) %>%
public_transport <- st_geometry(public_transport$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Public.Transport',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# retail ####
retail <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'shop') %>%
retail <- st_geometry(retail$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Retails',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# office ####
office <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'office') %>%
office <- st_geometry(office$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Office',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# cycleway ####
cycleway <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'cycleway') %>%
cycleway <- st_geometry(cycleway$osm_lines) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Cycleway',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
cycleway %>% st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary))
# leisure ####
leisure <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'leisure', value = c('adult_gaming_center','amusement_arcade','common','fitness_center','hackerspace','park',
'pitch','stadium')) %>%
leisure <- st_geometry(leisure$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Leisure',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# tourism ####
tourism <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'tourism', value = c("aquarium", "artwork", "attraction", "gallery", "museumm", "theme_park", 'viewpoint', 'zoo')) %>%
tourism <- st_geometry(tourism$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Tourism',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
## code to plot and check the OSM data
geom_sf(data = census_ct, fill = "white")+
#geom_sf(data = LV_college, shape = 23, fill = "cornflowerblue", size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = college, color = "red", size = 1.5)+
geom_sf(data = boundary, fill='transparent')+
labs(title = paste("Location of offices, retails, and colleges in",city_name),
subtitle = "Red dots as office, orange dots as retails, and blue dots as colleges") +
geom_sf(data = census_ct, fill = "white")+
geom_sf(data = leisure, color = "lightsalmon",alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = cycleway, color = "chartreuse3", size = 1.5, alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = boundary,fill='transparent')+
labs(title = paste("Location of cycleway and leisure places in", city_name),
subtitle = "Green lines as cycleway and light pink dots as leisure places") +
geom_sf(data = census_ct, fill = "white")+
geom_sf(data = restaurant, color = "turquoise",alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = tourism, color = "hotpink", alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = boundary,fill='transparent')+
labs(title = paste("Location of restaurant and tourism spots in", city_name),
subtitle = "Turqoise dots as restaurants and pink dots as tourism spots") +
geom_sf(data = census_ct, fill = "white")+
geom_sf(data = office, color = "indianred2", alpha = 0.6, size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = retail, color = "orange", alpha = 0.6, size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = college, shape = 23, fill = "cornflowerblue", size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = boundary,fill='transparent')+
labs(title = paste("Location of offices, retails, and colleges in", city_name),
subtitle = "Red dots as office, orange dots as retails, and blue dots as colleges") +
ncol = 3)
# This script is for calculating the shortest distance from each city's census tract to
# the nearest (or 3 or 5 nearest) spatial features
# all features are calculated except for cycleway
## create a panal to store spatial effects ####
census_panel <- census_geoinfo %>% st_set_geometry(NULL)
#### KNN ####
# nn function ####
nn_function <- function(measureFrom,measureTo,k) {
measureFrom_Matrix <-
measureTo_Matrix <-
nn <-
get.knnx(measureTo, measureFrom, k)$nn.dist
output <- %>%
rownames_to_column(var = "thisPoint") %>%
gather(points, point_distance, V1:ncol(.)) %>%
arrange(as.numeric(thisPoint)) %>%
group_by(thisPoint) %>%
summarize(pointDistance = mean(point_distance)) %>%
arrange(as.numeric(thisPoint)) %>%
dplyr::select(-thisPoint) %>%
# knn for each spatial effects ####
census_panel$KNN_college <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(college %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_restaurant <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(restaurant %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_public_transport <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(public_transport %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_office <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(office %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_retail <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(retail %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_tourism <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(tourism %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_leisure <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(leisure %>% st_coordinates()),
## count and density ####
census_geoinfo$area <- as.numeric(st_area(census_geoinfo))*9.29e-8
# retail
retail_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), retail) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_retail= n())
retail_ct$density_retail <- retail_ct$count_retail/retail_ct$area
# office
office_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), office) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_office= n())
office_ct$density_office <- office_ct$count_office/office_ct$area
# restaurant
restaurant_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary),restaurant) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_restaurant= n())
restaurant_ct$density_restaurant <- restaurant_ct$count_restaurant/restaurant_ct$area
# public transport
public_transport_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary),public_transport) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_pubtran= n())
public_transport_ct$density_pubtran <- public_transport_ct$count_pubtran/public_transport_ct$area
# cycleway
cycleway_ct_len <- st_intersection(cycleway, boundary) %>%
mutate(length = as.numeric(st_length(.))*0.000189394) %>%
group_by(GEOID) %>%
summarise(total_length = sum(length)) %>%
st_set_geometry(NULL) %>%
merge(census_geoinfo, on='GEOID', all.y=T) %>%
cycleway_ct_len$total_length <- replace_na(cycleway_ct_len$total_length,0)
# leisure
leisure_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), leisure) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_leisure= n())
leisure_ct$density_leisure <- leisure_ct$count_leisure/leisure_ct$area
# tourism
tourism_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), tourism) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_tourism= n())
tourism_ct$density_tourism <- tourism_ct$count_tourism/tourism_ct$area
# college
college_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), college) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_college= n())
college_ct$density_college <- college_ct$count_college/college_ct$area
spatial_panel <- left_join(census_panel, retail_ct%>%st_set_geometry(NULL)%>%dplyr::select(GEOID, count_retail, density_retail), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(office_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_office, density_office), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(leisure_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_leisure, density_leisure), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(tourism_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_tourism, density_tourism), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(public_transport_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_pubtran,density_pubtran), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(restaurant_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_restaurant, density_restaurant), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(college_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_college, density_college), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(cycleway_ct_len %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, total_length), by = 'GEOID')
spatial_panel <- replace_na(spatial_panel, 0)
spatial_census <- left_join(spatial_panel, origin_ct%>%st_set_geometry(NULL)%>%dplyr::select(-centroid_X, -centroid_Y), by = 'GEOID')
spatial_census <- spatial_census %>%
mutate(city = city_name)
AU_spatial_panel <- spatial_panel
AU_spatial_census <- spatial_census
AU_spatial_panel_RDS <- file.path(data_directory, "~RData/AU/AU_spatial_panel")
# saveRDS(AU_spatial_panel,
# file = AU_spatial_panel_RDS)
# AU_spatial_panel <- readRDS(AU_spatial_panel_RDS)
AU_spatial_census_RDS <- file.path(data_directory, "~RData/AU/AU_spatial_census")
# saveRDS(AU_spatial_census,
# file = AU_spatial_census_RDS)
# AU_spatial_census <- readRDS(AU_spatial_census_RDS)
#********************* the variables******************####
city_name = "Minneapolis" ####
proj = MNP_proj # city projection ####
boundary = MNP_Census_geoinfo # service area boundary ####
census_ct = MNP_Census_ct # census tract ecosocia data ####
origin_ct = MNP_open_ct #census tract with count of trip origins
census_geoinfo = MNP_Census_geoinfo ####
MNP_Census_geoinfo <- MNP_Census_geoinfo%>%
### using osm to grab data####
college <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'amenity', value = c("university", "college")) %>%
college <- st_geometry(college$osm_polygons) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
st_centroid() %>%
mutate(Legend = 'College',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# restaurant ####
restaurant <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'amenity', value = c("restaurant", "fast_food")) %>%
restaurant <- st_geometry(restaurant$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Restaurant',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# public transport ####
public_transport <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'public_transport', value = c("stop_position", "station")) %>%
public_transport <- st_geometry(public_transport$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Public.Transport',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# retail ####
retail <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'shop') %>%
retail <- st_geometry(retail$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Retails',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# office ####
office <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'office') %>%
office <- st_geometry(office$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Office',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# cycleway ####
cycleway <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'cycleway') %>%
cycleway <- st_geometry(cycleway$osm_lines) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Cycleway',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
cycleway %>% st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary))
# leisure ####
leisure <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'leisure', value = c('adult_gaming_center','amusement_arcade','common','fitness_center','hackerspace','park',
'pitch','stadium')) %>%
leisure <- st_geometry(leisure$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Leisure',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# tourism ####
tourism <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'tourism', value = c("aquarium", "artwork", "attraction", "gallery", "museumm", "theme_park", 'viewpoint', 'zoo')) %>%
tourism <- st_geometry(tourism$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Tourism',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
## code to plot and check the OSM data
geom_sf(data = census_ct, fill = "white")+
#geom_sf(data = LV_college, shape = 23, fill = "cornflowerblue", size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = college, color = "red", size = 1.5)+
geom_sf(data = boundary, fill='transparent')+
labs(title = paste("Location of offices, retails, and colleges in",city_name),
subtitle = "Red dots as office, orange dots as retails, and blue dots as colleges") +
geom_sf(data = census_ct, fill = "white")+
geom_sf(data = cycleway, color = "chartreuse3", size = 1.5, alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = leisure, color = "lightsalmon",alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = boundary,fill='transparent')+
labs(title = paste("Location of cycleway and leisure places in", city_name),
subtitle = "Green lines as cycleway and light pink dots as leisure places") +
geom_sf(data = census_ct, fill = "white")+
geom_sf(data = restaurant, color = "turquoise",alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = tourism, color = "hotpink", alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = boundary,fill='transparent')+
labs(title = paste("Location of restaurant and tourism spots in", city_name),
subtitle = "Turqoise dots as restaurants and pink dots as tourism spots") +
geom_sf(data = census_ct, fill = "white")+
geom_sf(data = office, color = "indianred2", alpha = 0.6, size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = retail, color = "orange", alpha = 0.6, size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = college, shape = 23, fill = "cornflowerblue", size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = boundary,fill='transparent')+
labs(title = paste("Location of offices, retails, and colleges in", city_name),
subtitle = "Red dots as office, orange dots as retails, and blue dots as colleges") +
ncol = 3)
# This script is for calculating the shortest distance from each city's census tract to
# the nearest (or 3 or 5 nearest) spatial features
# all features are calculated except for cycleway
## create a panal to store spatial effects ####
census_panel <- census_geoinfo %>% st_set_geometry(NULL)
#### KNN ####
# nn function ####
nn_function <- function(measureFrom,measureTo,k) {
measureFrom_Matrix <-
measureTo_Matrix <-
nn <-
get.knnx(measureTo, measureFrom, k)$nn.dist
output <- %>%
rownames_to_column(var = "thisPoint") %>%
gather(points, point_distance, V1:ncol(.)) %>%
arrange(as.numeric(thisPoint)) %>%
group_by(thisPoint) %>%
summarize(pointDistance = mean(point_distance)) %>%
arrange(as.numeric(thisPoint)) %>%
dplyr::select(-thisPoint) %>%
# knn for each spatial effects ####
census_panel$KNN_college <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(college %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_restaurant <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(restaurant %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_public_transport <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(public_transport %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_office <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(office %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_retail <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(retail %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_tourism <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(tourism %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_leisure <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(leisure %>% st_coordinates()),
## count and density ####
census_geoinfo$area <- as.numeric(st_area(census_geoinfo))*9.29e-8
# retail
retail_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), retail) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_retail= n())
retail_ct$density_retail <- retail_ct$count_retail/retail_ct$area
# office
office_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), office) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_office= n())
office_ct$density_office <- office_ct$count_office/office_ct$area
# restaurant
restaurant_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary),restaurant) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_restaurant= n())
restaurant_ct$density_restaurant <- restaurant_ct$count_restaurant/restaurant_ct$area
# public transport
public_transport_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary),public_transport) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_pubtran= n())
public_transport_ct$density_pubtran <- public_transport_ct$count_pubtran/public_transport_ct$area
# cycleway
cycleway_ct_len <- st_intersection(cycleway, boundary) %>%
mutate(length = as.numeric(st_length(.))*0.000189394) %>%
group_by(GEOID) %>%
summarise(total_length = sum(length)) %>%
st_set_geometry(NULL) %>%
merge(census_geoinfo, on='GEOID', all.y=T) %>%
cycleway_ct_len$total_length <- replace_na(cycleway_ct_len$total_length,0)
# leisure
leisure_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), leisure) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_leisure= n())
leisure_ct$density_leisure <- leisure_ct$count_leisure/leisure_ct$area
# tourism
tourism_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), tourism) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_tourism= n())
tourism_ct$density_tourism <- tourism_ct$count_tourism/tourism_ct$area
# college
college_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), college) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_college= n())
college_ct$density_college <- college_ct$count_college/college_ct$area
spatial_panel <- left_join(census_panel, retail_ct%>%st_set_geometry(NULL)%>%dplyr::select(GEOID, count_retail, density_retail), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(office_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_office, density_office), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(leisure_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_leisure, density_leisure), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(tourism_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_tourism, density_tourism), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(public_transport_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_pubtran,density_pubtran), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(restaurant_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_restaurant, density_restaurant), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(college_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_college, density_college), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(cycleway_ct_len %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, total_length), by = 'GEOID')
spatial_panel <- replace_na(spatial_panel, 0)
spatial_census <- left_join(spatial_panel, origin_ct%>%st_set_geometry(NULL)%>%dplyr::select(-centroid_X, -centroid_Y), by = 'GEOID')
spatial_census <- spatial_census %>%
mutate(city = city_name)
MNP_spatial_panel <- spatial_panel
MNP_spatial_census <- left_join(MNP_spatial_panel, MNP_open_ct%>%st_set_geometry(NULL)%>%dplyr::select(-centroid_X, -centroid_Y), by = 'GEOID')
MNP_spatial_census <- MNP_spatial_census %>%
mutate(city = "Minneapolis")
MNP_spatial_panel_RDS <- file.path(data_directory, "~RData/MNP/MNP_spatial_panel")
# saveRDS(MNP_spatial_panel,
# file = MNP_spatial_panel_RDS)
# MNP_spatial_panel <- readRDS(MNP_spatial_panel_RDS)
MNP_spatial_census_RDS <- file.path(data_directory, "~RData/MNP/MNP_spatial_census")
# saveRDS(MNP_spatial_census,
# file = MNP_spatial_census_RDS)
# MNP_spatial_census <- readRDS(MNP_spatial_census_RDS)
#********************* the variables******************####
city_name = "Kansas City" ####
proj = KC_proj # city projection ####
boundary = KC_Census_geoinfo # service area boundary ####
census_ct = KC_Census_ct # census tract ecosocia data ####
origin_ct = KC_open_ct #census tract with count of trip origins
census_geoinfo = KC_Census_geoinfo ####
KC_Census_geoinfo <- KC_Census_geoinfo%>%
# crs(college)
### using osm to grab data####
college <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'amenity', value = c("university", "college")) %>%
college <- st_geometry(college$osm_polygons) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
st_centroid() %>%
mutate(Legend = 'College',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# restaurant ####
restaurant <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'amenity', value = c("restaurant", "fast_food")) %>%
restaurant <- st_geometry(restaurant$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Restaurant',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# public transport ####
public_transport <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'public_transport', value = c("stop_position", "station")) %>%
public_transport <- st_geometry(public_transport$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Public.Transport',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# retail ####
retail <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'shop') %>%
retail <- st_geometry(retail$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Retails',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# office ####
office <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'office') %>%
office <- st_geometry(office$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Office',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# cycleway ####
cycleway <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'cycleway') %>%
cycleway <- st_geometry(cycleway$osm_lines) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Cycleway',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# cycleway %>% st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary))
# leisure ####
leisure <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'leisure', value = c('adult_gaming_center','amusement_arcade','common','fitness_center','hackerspace','park',
'pitch','stadium')) %>%
leisure <- st_geometry(leisure$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Leisure',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# tourism ####
tourism <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'tourism', value = c("aquarium", "artwork", "attraction", "gallery", "museumm", "theme_park", 'viewpoint', 'zoo')) %>%
tourism <- st_geometry(tourism$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Tourism',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
## code to plot and check the OSM data
geom_sf(data = census_ct, fill = "white")+
#geom_sf(data = LV_college, shape = 23, fill = "cornflowerblue", size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = college, color = "red", size = 1.5)+
geom_sf(data = boundary, fill='transparent')+
labs(title = paste("Location of offices, retails, and colleges in",city_name),
subtitle = "Red dots as office, orange dots as retails, and blue dots as colleges") +
geom_sf(data = census_ct, fill = "white")+
geom_sf(data = leisure, color = "lightsalmon",alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = cycleway, color = "chartreuse3", size = 1.5, alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = boundary,fill='transparent')+
labs(title = paste("Location of cycleway and leisure places in", city_name),
subtitle = "Green lines as cycleway and light pink dots as leisure places") +
geom_sf(data = census_ct, fill = "white")+
geom_sf(data = restaurant, color = "turquoise",alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = tourism, color = "hotpink", alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = boundary,fill='transparent')+
labs(title = paste("Location of restaurant and tourism spots in", city_name),
subtitle = "Turqoise dots as restaurants and pink dots as tourism spots") +
geom_sf(data = census_ct, fill = "white")+
geom_sf(data = office, color = "indianred2", alpha = 0.6, size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = retail, color = "orange", alpha = 0.6, size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = college, shape = 23, fill = "cornflowerblue", size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = boundary,fill='transparent')+
labs(title = paste("Location of offices, retails, and colleges in", city_name),
subtitle = "Red dots as office, orange dots as retails, and blue dots as colleges") +
ncol = 3)
# This script is for calculating the shortest distance from each city's census tract to
# the nearest (or 3 or 5 nearest) spatial features
# all features are calculated except for cycleway
## create a panal to store spatial effects ####
census_panel <- census_geoinfo %>% st_set_geometry(NULL)
#### KNN ####
# nn function ####
nn_function <- function(measureFrom,measureTo,k) {
measureFrom_Matrix <-
measureTo_Matrix <-
nn <-
get.knnx(measureTo, measureFrom, k)$nn.dist
output <- %>%
rownames_to_column(var = "thisPoint") %>%
gather(points, point_distance, V1:ncol(.)) %>%
arrange(as.numeric(thisPoint)) %>%
group_by(thisPoint) %>%
summarize(pointDistance = mean(point_distance)) %>%
arrange(as.numeric(thisPoint)) %>%
dplyr::select(-thisPoint) %>%
# knn for each spatial effects ####
census_panel$KNN_college <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(college %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_restaurant <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(restaurant %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_public_transport <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(public_transport %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_office <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(office %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_retail <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(retail %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_tourism <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(tourism %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_leisure <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(leisure %>% st_coordinates()),
## count and density ####
census_geoinfo$area <- as.numeric(st_area(census_geoinfo))*9.29e-8
# retail
retail_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), retail) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_retail= n())
retail_ct$density_retail <- retail_ct$count_retail/retail_ct$area
# office
office_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), office) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_office= n())
office_ct$density_office <- office_ct$count_office/office_ct$area
# restaurant
restaurant_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary),restaurant) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_restaurant= n())
restaurant_ct$density_restaurant <- restaurant_ct$count_restaurant/restaurant_ct$area
# public transport
public_transport_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary),public_transport) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_pubtran= n())
public_transport_ct$density_pubtran <- public_transport_ct$count_pubtran/public_transport_ct$area
# cycleway
cycleway_ct_len <- st_intersection(cycleway, boundary) %>%
mutate(length = as.numeric(st_length(.))*0.000189394) %>%
group_by(GEOID) %>%
summarise(total_length = sum(length)) %>%
st_set_geometry(NULL) %>%
merge(census_geoinfo, on='GEOID', all.y=T) %>%
cycleway_ct_len$total_length <- replace_na(cycleway_ct_len$total_length,0)
# leisure
leisure_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), leisure) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_leisure= n())
leisure_ct$density_leisure <- leisure_ct$count_leisure/leisure_ct$area
# tourism
tourism_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), tourism) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_tourism= n())
tourism_ct$density_tourism <- tourism_ct$count_tourism/tourism_ct$area
# college
college_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), college) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_college= n())
college_ct$density_college <- college_ct$count_college/college_ct$area
spatial_panel <- left_join(census_panel, retail_ct%>%st_set_geometry(NULL)%>%dplyr::select(GEOID, count_retail, density_retail), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(office_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_office, density_office), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(leisure_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_leisure, density_leisure), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(tourism_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_tourism, density_tourism), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(public_transport_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_pubtran,density_pubtran), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(restaurant_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_restaurant, density_restaurant), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(college_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_college, density_college), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(cycleway_ct_len %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, total_length), by = 'GEOID')
spatial_panel <- replace_na(spatial_panel, 0)
spatial_census <- left_join(spatial_panel, origin_ct%>%st_set_geometry(NULL)%>%dplyr::select(-centroid_X, -centroid_Y), by = 'GEOID')
spatial_census <- spatial_census %>%
mutate(city = city_name)
KC_spatial_panel <- spatial_panel
KC_spatial_census <- spatial_census
KC_spatial_panel_RDS <- file.path(data_directory, "~RData/Kansas City/KC_spatial_panel")
# saveRDS(KC_spatial_panel,
# file = KC_spatial_panel_RDS)
# KC_spatial_panel <- readRDS(KC_spatial_panel_RDS)
KC_spatial_census_RDS <- file.path(data_directory, "~RData/Kansas City/KC_spatial_census")
# saveRDS(KC_spatial_census,
# file = KC_spatial_census_RDS)
# KC_spatial_census <- readRDS(KC_spatial_census_RDS)
#********************* the variables******************####
city_name = "Chicago" ####
proj = CH_proj # city projection ####
boundary = CH_Census_ct # service area boundary ####
census_ct = CH_Census_ct # census tract ecosocia data ####
origin_ct = CH_open_ct #census tract with count of trip origins
census_geoinfo = CH_Census_ct ####
### using osm to grab data####
college <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'amenity', value = c("university", "college")) %>%
college <- st_geometry(college$osm_polygons) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
st_centroid() %>%
mutate(Legend = 'College',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# restaurant ####
restaurant <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'amenity', value = c("restaurant", "fast_food")) %>%
restaurant <- st_geometry(restaurant$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Restaurant',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# public transport ####
public_transport <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'public_transport', value = c("stop_position", "station")) %>%
public_transport <- st_geometry(public_transport$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Public.Transport',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# retail ####
retail <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'shop') %>%
retail <- st_geometry(retail$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Retails',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# office ####
office <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'office') %>%
office <- st_geometry(office$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Office',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# cycleway ####
cycleway <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'cycleway') %>%
cycleway <- st_geometry(cycleway$osm_lines) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Cycleway',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
cycleway %>% st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary))
# leisure ####
leisure <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'leisure', value = c('adult_gaming_center','amusement_arcade','common','fitness_center','hackerspace','park',
'pitch','stadium')) %>%
leisure <- st_geometry(leisure$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Leisure',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# tourism ####
tourism <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'tourism', value = c("aquarium", "artwork", "attraction", "gallery", "museumm", "theme_park", 'viewpoint', 'zoo')) %>%
tourism <- st_geometry(tourism$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Tourism',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
## code to plot and check the OSM data
geom_sf(data = census_ct, fill = "white")+
#geom_sf(data = LV_college, shape = 23, fill = "cornflowerblue", size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = college, color = "red", size = 1.5)+
geom_sf(data = boundary, fill='transparent')+
labs(title = paste("Location of offices, retails, and colleges in",city_name),
subtitle = "Red dots as office, orange dots as retails, and blue dots as colleges") +
geom_sf(data = census_ct, fill = "white")+
geom_sf(data = cycleway, color = "chartreuse3", size = 1.5, alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = leisure, color = "lightsalmon",alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = boundary,fill='transparent')+
labs(title = paste("Location of cycleway and leisure places in", city_name),
subtitle = "Green lines as cycleway and light pink dots as leisure places") +
geom_sf(data = census_ct, fill = "white")+
geom_sf(data = restaurant, color = "turquoise",alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = tourism, color = "hotpink", alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = boundary,fill='transparent')+
labs(title = paste("Location of restaurant and tourism spots in", city_name),
subtitle = "Turqoise dots as restaurants and pink dots as tourism spots") +
geom_sf(data = census_ct, fill = "white")+
geom_sf(data = office, color = "indianred2", alpha = 0.6, size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = retail, color = "orange", alpha = 0.6, size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = college, shape = 23, fill = "cornflowerblue", size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = boundary,fill='transparent')+
labs(title = paste("Location of offices, retails, and colleges in", city_name),
subtitle = "Red dots as office, orange dots as retails, and blue dots as colleges") +
ncol = 3)
# This script is for calculating the shortest distance from each city's census tract to
# the nearest (or 3 or 5 nearest) spatial features
# all features are calculated except for cycleway
## create a panal to store spatial effects ####
census_panel <- census_geoinfo %>% dplyr::select(-tractce10)
#### KNN ####
# nn function ####
nn_function <- function(measureFrom,measureTo,k) {
measureFrom_Matrix <-
measureTo_Matrix <-
nn <-
get.knnx(measureTo, measureFrom, k)$nn.dist
output <- %>%
rownames_to_column(var = "thisPoint") %>%
gather(points, point_distance, V1:ncol(.)) %>%
arrange(as.numeric(thisPoint)) %>%
group_by(thisPoint) %>%
summarize(pointDistance = mean(point_distance)) %>%
arrange(as.numeric(thisPoint)) %>%
dplyr::select(-thisPoint) %>%
# knn for each spatial effects ####
census_panel$KNN_college <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(college %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_restaurant <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(restaurant %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_public_transport <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(public_transport %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_office <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(office %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_retail <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(retail %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_tourism <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(tourism %>% st_coordinates()),
census_panel$KNN_leisure <- nn_function(coordinates([,2:3]),
coordinates(leisure %>% st_coordinates()),
## count and density ####
census_geoinfo$area <- as.numeric(st_area(census_geoinfo))*9.29e-8
# retail
retail_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), retail) %>%
group_by(geoid10,area) %>%
summarise(count_retail= n())
retail_ct$density_retail <- retail_ct$count_retail/retail_ct$area
# office
office_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), office) %>%
group_by(geoid10,area) %>%
summarise(count_office= n())
office_ct$density_office <- office_ct$count_office/office_ct$area
# restaurant
restaurant_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary),restaurant) %>%
group_by(geoid10,area) %>%
summarise(count_restaurant= n())
restaurant_ct$density_restaurant <- restaurant_ct$count_restaurant/restaurant_ct$area
# public transport
public_transport_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary),public_transport) %>%
group_by(geoid10,area) %>%
summarise(count_pubtran= n())
public_transport_ct$density_pubtran <- public_transport_ct$count_pubtran/public_transport_ct$area
# cycleway
cycleway_ct_len <- st_intersection(cycleway, boundary) %>%
mutate(length = as.numeric(st_length(.))*0.000189394) %>%
group_by(geoid10) %>%
summarise(total_length = sum(length)) %>%
st_set_geometry(NULL) %>%
merge(census_geoinfo, on='geoid10', all.y=T) %>%
cycleway_ct_len$total_length <- replace_na(cycleway_ct_len$total_length,0)
# leisure
leisure_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), leisure) %>%
group_by(geoid10,area) %>%
summarise(count_leisure= n())
leisure_ct$density_leisure <- leisure_ct$count_leisure/leisure_ct$area
# tourism
tourism_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), tourism) %>%
group_by(geoid10,area) %>%
summarise(count_tourism= n())
tourism_ct$density_tourism <- tourism_ct$count_tourism/tourism_ct$area
# college
college_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), college) %>%
group_by(geoid10,area) %>%
summarise(count_college= n())
college_ct$density_college <- college_ct$count_college/college_ct$area
spatial_panel <- left_join(census_panel, retail_ct%>%st_set_geometry(NULL)%>%dplyr::select(geoid10, count_retail, density_retail), by = 'geoid10') %>%
left_join(office_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(geoid10, count_office, density_office), by = 'geoid10') %>%
left_join(leisure_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(geoid10, count_leisure, density_leisure), by = 'geoid10') %>%
left_join(tourism_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(geoid10, count_tourism, density_tourism), by = 'geoid10') %>%
left_join(public_transport_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(geoid10, count_pubtran,density_pubtran), by = 'geoid10') %>%
left_join(restaurant_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(geoid10, count_restaurant, density_restaurant), by = 'geoid10') %>%
left_join(college_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(geoid10, count_college, density_college), by = 'geoid10') %>%
left_join(cycleway_ct_len %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(geoid10, total_length), by = 'geoid10')
spatial_panel <- replace_na(spatial_panel, 0)
##orgin_ct might change afterwards
spatial_census <- left_join(spatial_panel, origin_ct%>%st_set_geometry(NULL)%>%dplyr::select(origins_cnt, geoid10), by = 'geoid10')
spatial_census <- spatial_census %>%
mutate(city = city_name)
CH_spatial_panel <- spatial_panel
CH_spatial_census <- left_join(CH_spatial_panel, CH_open_ct%>%st_set_geometry(NULL)%>%dplyr::select(origins_cnt, geoid10), by = 'geoid10')
CH_spatial_census <- CH_spatial_census %>%
mutate(city = 'Chicago')
CH_spatial_panel_RDS <- file.path(data_directory, "~RData/Chicago/CH_spatial_panel")
# saveRDS(CH_spatial_panel,
# file = CH_spatial_panel_RDS)
# CH_spatial_panel <- readRDS(CH_spatial_panel_RDS)
CH_spatial_census_RDS <- file.path(data_directory, "~RData/Chicago/CH_spatial_census")
# saveRDS(CH_spatial_census,
# file = CH_spatial_census_RDS)
# CH_spatial_census <- readRDS(CH_spatial_census_RDS)
# Filter for user events, sort, and add duration and energy_diff columns
LV_rebal_user_only <- LV_rebal_sf %>%
filter(str_detect(reason, "user"))%>%
arrange(vehicleId, occurredAt) # sort by vehicle ID and time
### Helper Functions
# Define function for calcuating trip durations and energy levels ----
calc_tripDuration_and_energy <- function(x) {
output <- list() # initialize list
for (veh in unique(x$vehicleId)) { # for each unique vehicle
this_vehicle_set <- x %>% filter(vehicleId == veh) # filter for that vehicle
print(veh) # print so we can see the progress of the loop
for (i in 1:nrow(this_vehicle_set)) { # for each row of this vehicle
if (i%%2 == 1) { # if this is an odd number row
# the trip duration is the time for the next row minus the time for this row
this_vehicle_set$duration[i] <- difftime(this_vehicle_set$occurredAt[i+1], this_vehicle_set$occurredAt[i], units = 'mins')
# same with energy level
this_vehicle_set$energy_diff[i] <- this_vehicle_set$vehicleEnergyLevel[i+1]- this_vehicle_set$vehicleEnergyLevel[i]
} else {}
output[[veh]] <- this_vehicle_set
idcol = "vehicleId"))
# One with a start and end time and start and end location ----
combine_rowPairs <- function(x) { # x should be the output of calc_tripDuration_and_energy()
temp <- data.frame("vehicleID" = c(0), # initialize temp dataframe with columns
"start_time" = c(0),
"end_time" = c(0),
"trip_origin" = c(0),
"trip_dest" = c(0),
"duration" = c(0),
"energy_diff" = c(0))
output <- list() # initialize output list
for (i in seq(nrow(x) - 1)) {
# need to do minus 1 b/c if there is an odd number of rows, the last row of the trip_dest column will be empty
# and cannot be binded with the other rows
if (i%%2 == 1) {
temp$vehicleID = x$vehicleId[i]
temp$start_time = x$occurredAt[i]
temp$end_time = x$occurredAt[i+1]
temp$trip_origin = x$location[i]
temp$trip_dest = x$location[i+1]
temp$duration = x$duration[i]
temp$energy_diff = x$energy_diff[i]
output[[i]] <- temp
} else {}
output <-
# June 2019 ----
LV_rebal_user_only_0619 <- LV_rebal_user_only %>%
filter(year(occurredAt) == 2019, month(occurredAt) == 6)
LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs <- LV_rebal_user_only_0619 %>%
LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs <- LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs %>%
# ggplot(LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs, aes(duration))+
# geom_histogram() +
# xlim(0, 5000) +
# ylim(0, 250)
# All user data ----
LV_rebal_user_only_combined_rowPairs <- LV_rebal_user_only %>%
calc_tripDuration_and_energy() %>%
LV_rebal_user_only_combined_rowPairs_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
# saveRDS(LV_rebal_user_only_combined_rowPairs,
# file = LV_rebal_user_only_combined_rowPairs_RDS)
LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
# saveRDS(LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs,
# file = LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_RDS)
# Read the saved object with the code below
# LV_rebal_user_only_combined_rowPairs <- readRDS(LV_rebal_user_only_combined_rowPairs_RDS)
# LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs <- readRDS(LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_RDS)
### Filter for rebalance events, sort, and add duration and energy_diff columns
LV_rebal_rebalance_only <- LV_rebal_sf %>%
filter(str_detect(reason, "rebalance"))%>%
arrange(vehicleId, occurredAt) # sort by vehicle ID and time
### Trim the dataset to be "pick-up; drop-off" format b/c sometimes there is [reb pick up, reb pick up, reb drop off]
LV_reb_ID_list <- c()
for (veh in unique(LV_rebal_rebalance_only$vehicleId)) {
this_vehicle_set <- LV_rebal_rebalance_only %>% filter(vehicleId == veh)
output_list <- c() # initialize list
for (i in 1:nrow(this_vehicle_set)) {
if (this_vehicle_set$reason[i] == 'rebalance drop off') {
output_list <- append(output_list, c(this_vehicle_set$id[i], this_vehicle_set$id[i-1])) #store the id of rebalance drop off and rebalance pick up before it
LV_reb_ID_list <- append(LV_reb_ID_list, output_list) #this should store all the [pick-up, drop-off] pairs
LV_rebal_rebalance_only_trim1 <- LV_rebal_rebalance_only %>%
filter(LV_rebal_rebalance_only$id %in% LV_reb_ID_list) # Trim the data set
### Notice the dataset has some weird [pick-up, drop-off, drop-off] and some of them does not have [pick-up] info at all
### We trim the dataset one more time by the other way round
LV_reb_ID_list2 <- c()
for (veh in unique(LV_rebal_rebalance_only_trim1$vehicleId)) {
this_vehicle_set <- LV_rebal_rebalance_only_trim1 %>% filter(vehicleId == veh)
output_list <- c() # initialize list
for (i in 1:nrow(this_vehicle_set)) {
if (this_vehicle_set$reason[i] == 'rebalance pick up') {
output_list <- append(output_list, c(this_vehicle_set$id[i], this_vehicle_set$id[i+1])) #store the id of rebalance drop off and rebalance pick up before it
LV_reb_ID_list2 <- append(LV_reb_ID_list2, output_list) #this should store all the [pick-up, drop-off] pairs
# This should be our final dataset to use to generate trip origin-destination table
LV_rebal_rebalance_only_trim2 <- LV_rebal_rebalance_only_trim1 %>%
filter(LV_rebal_rebalance_only_trim1$id %in% LV_reb_ID_list2)
LV_rebal_reb_only_combined_rowPairs <- LV_rebal_rebalance_only_trim2 %>%
LV_rebal_reb_only_combined_rowPairs <- LV_rebal_reb_only_combined_rowPairs%>%
ggplot(LV_rebal_reb_only_combined_rowPairs, aes(duration))+
geom_histogram() +
xlim(0, 5000) +
ylim(0, 500)
# June 2019 ----
LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs <- LV_rebal_reb_only_combined_rowPairs %>%
filter(year(start_time) == 2019) %>%
filter(month(start_time) == 6 |month(end_time) == 6)
# Save & Load
LV_rebal_reb_only_combined_rowPairs_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
# saveRDS(LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs,
# file = LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_RDS)
# saveRDS(LV_rebal_reb_only_combined_rowPairs,
# file = LV_rebal_reb_only_combined_rowPairs_RDS)
# Read the saved object with the code below
# LV_rebal_reb_only_combined_rowPairs <- readRDS(LV_rebal_reb_only_combined_rowPairs_RDS)
# LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs <- readRDS(LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_RDS)
# plot by day of week
# LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs obtained by running
# LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs <- readRDS(LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_RDS)
# LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs <- readRDS(LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs_RDS)
# plotting
LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs$start_time <- with_tz(LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs$start_time,tz='EST')
ggplot(LV_rebal_user_only_0619_combined_rowPairs %>% mutate(hour = hour(start_time), dotw= weekdays(start_time)))+
geom_freqpoly(aes(hour, color = dotw), binwidth = 1)+
labs(title="Scooter trips in Louisville, by day of the week, June, 2019",
y="Trip Counts")+
xlim(0, 23)+
LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs$start_time <- with_tz(LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs$start_time,tz='EST')
ggplot(LV_rebal_reb_only_0619_combined_rowPairs %>% mutate(hour = hour(start_time), dotw= weekdays(start_time)))+
geom_freqpoly(aes(hour, color = dotw), binwidth = 1)+
labs(title="Rebalancing activity in Louisville, by day of the week, June, 2019",
y="Trip Counts")+
xlim(0, 23)+
scale_color_viridis(discrete = T)+
# plot the frequency of rebalancing for each scooter ----
# by month and year
LV_rebal_byScooter_monthYear <- LV_rebal_sf %>%
subset(startsWith(LV_rebal_sf$reason,'rebalance')) %>%
group_by(year(occurredAt), month(occurredAt)) %>%
summarise(count = n(), per = count / length(unique(vehicleId))) %>%
rename(year = 'year(occurredAt)',
month = 'month(occurredAt)') %>%
mutate(month = ifelse(month <= 9,
paste('0', month, sep = ''),
date = paste(year, month, sep = ''))
ggplot(data = LV_rebal_byScooter_monthYear,
aes(date, per, group = 1))+
geom_line(size = 1) +
# by day of week
LV_rebal_byScooter_DOW <- LV_rebal_rebalance_only %>%
group_by(month(occurredAt), weekdays(occurredAt)) %>%
summarise(count = n(), per = count / length(unique(vehicleId))) %>%
rename(month = 'month(occurredAt)',
weekdays = 'weekdays(occurredAt)') %>%
group_by(weekdays) %>%
summarise(perd = mean(per)) %>%
mutate(weekdays = factor(weekdays,
levels = c('Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday')))
ggplot(data = LV_rebal_byScooter_DOW, aes(weekdays, perd, group = 1))+
geom_line(size = 1) +
# rebalance only
LV_rebal_DOW_data <- LV_rebal_rebalance_only %>%
mutate(hour = hour(occurredAt),
weekday = lubridate::wday(occurredAt, label = TRUE))
LV_rebal_DOW_data %>%
ggplot() +
geom_freqpoly(aes(hour, color = weekday), binwidth = 1) +
labs(title = "Scooter Rebalancing in Louisville by day of week and hour",
y="Trip Counts")+
xlim(0, 23)+
# user only
LV_user_DOW_data <- LV_rebal_user_only %>%
mutate(hour = hour(occurredAt),
weekday = lubridate::wday(occurredAt, label = TRUE))
LV_user_DOW_data %>%
ggplot() +
geom_freqpoly(aes(hour, color = weekday), binwidth = 1) +
labs(title = "Scooter User Activity in Louisville by day of week and hour",
y="Trip Counts")+
xlim(0, 23)+
# Which companies contribute most to rebalancing? ----
LV_company_contribution <-$operators)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
rename(Provider = Var1,
Proportion = Freq) %>%
mutate(Proportion = round(as.numeric(Proportion), 2))
LV_company_contribution %>%
kable(caption = "Contribution by providers") %>%
kable_styling("striped", full_width = F,position = "center") %>%
row_spec(2, color = "white", background = "#33638dff") %>%
row_spec(4, color = "white", background = "#33638dff")
plan(multiprocess) ## FOR PARALLEL PROCESSING
LV_active_status <- c("user drop off",
"rebalance drop off",
"maintenance drop off",
"service start",
"user pick up")
LV_reserved_status <- c("user pick up")
LV_inactive_status <- c("rebalance pick up",
"maintenance pick up",
"service end",
"low battery",
time_intervals <- seq(from = as.POSIXct("2018-11-15 07:00:00 EDT"),
to = as.POSIXct("2019-12-15 07:00:00 EDT"),
by = "1 week")
LV_extract_latest_status2 <- function(trip_dat, datetime, buffer,
Astatus = LV_active_status){
time <- as.POSIXct(datetime)
tmp <- trip_dat[which(trip_dat$occurredAt <= time),]
# first pass to modify is data remains
if(nrow(tmp) > 0) {
tmp <- tmp[order(tmp$occurredAt),]
tmp <- tmp[nrow(tmp),]
tmp <- tmp[as.numeric(time - tmp$occurredAt) <= buffer,]
tmp <- tmp[tmp$reason %in% Astatus,]
# 2nd pass if the above still had rows (e.g. stilla active)
if(nrow(tmp) > 0) {
output <- tmp
output$Date <- as.Date(output$occurredAt)
output$Hour <- lubridate::hour(output$occurredAt)
output$active <- 1
output <- output[,c("vehicleId", "Date", "Hour",
"operators", "active", "long", "lat")]
} else { # if the scooter is "unavailable"
output <- data.frame(vehicleId = trip_dat$vehicleId[1],
Date = as.Date(time),
Hour = hour(time),
operators = trip_dat$operators[1],
active = 0,
long = NA_real_,
lat = NA_real_,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
new_func_parallel <- function(...){
rebal_lst <- LV_rebal_sf %>%
mutate(long = st_coordinates(.)[,1],
lat = st_coordinates(.)[,2]) %>%
st_drop_geometry() %>%
LV_rebal_sf_list_i <- future_map(time_intervals,
function(x) map(rebal_lst, function(y){LV_extract_latest_status2(y, x, 10)}) %>%
bind_rows() %>%
mutate(audit_date = x), .progress = TRUE) %>%
# new_results_parallel <- new_func_parallel() # same as LV_rebal_sf_list
LV_new_results_parallel_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
# saveRDS(new_results_parallel,
# file = LV_new_results_parallel_RDS)
# new_results_parallel <- readRDS(LV_new_results_parallel_RDS)
LV_rebal_sf_list_2 <- new_results_parallel %>%
! %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("long", "lat"), crs = LV_proj, remove = FALSE) %>%
st_join(., LV_distro_areas %>% dplyr::select(Dist_Zone)) %>%
st_drop_geometry() %>%
mutate(Dist_Zone = factor(Dist_Zone,
levels = paste(1:9)))
LV_rebal_sf_list_summary <- new_results_parallel %>%
left_join(LV_rebal_sf_list_2 %>% dplyr::select(vehicleId, Dist_Zone, audit_date), by = c("vehicleId", "audit_date")) %>%
group_by(audit_date, Dist_Zone, operators, .drop = FALSE) %>%
summarize(scooters = n()) %>%
filter(str_detect(operators, "Bird|Lime"),
! %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(audit_date, operators) %>%
mutate(scooter_total = sum(scooters),
scooter_pct = scooters / scooter_total)
LV_rebal_sf_list_summary_2 <- LV_rebal_sf_list_summary %>%
dplyr::select(-scooter_pct) %>%
spread(Dist_Zone, scooters, sep = "_") %>%
mutate(Dist_8_pct = ifelse( / scooter_total), 0, Dist_Zone_8 / scooter_total),
Dist_1_9_pct = ifelse( + Dist_Zone_9) / scooter_total), 0, (Dist_Zone_1 + Dist_Zone_9) / scooter_total),
compliance = case_when(scooter_total > 150 & Dist_1_9_pct < 0.2 ~ "No",
scooter_total > 350 & (Dist_1_9_pct < 0.2 | Dist_8_pct < 0.1) ~ "No",
TRUE ~ "Yes"))
LV_rebal_sf_list_summary_map <- LV_rebal_sf_list_summary %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(Dist_Zone, operators) %>%
summarize(scooter_pct = mean(scooter_pct, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
left_join(LV_distro_areas, by = "Dist_Zone") %>%
st_as_sf() %>%
LV_distro_areas_map <- LV_distro_areas %>%
mutate(Dist_Zone2 = case_when(Dist_Zone %in% c(1, 9) ~ "Zones 1 and 9 (20%)",
Dist_Zone == 8 ~ "Zone 8 (10%)",
TRUE ~ NA_character_))
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = LV_distro_areas_map, aes(fill = Dist_Zone2)) +
scale_fill_viridis_d(name = "Distribution Zones",
limits = c("Zones 1 and 9 (20%)", "Zone 8 (10%)"),
direction = -1,
na.value = "lightgray") +
mapTheme() +
labs(title = "Scooter Rebalancing Requirements in Louisville")
LV_rebal_sf_list_summary_2_map <- LV_rebal_sf_list_summary_2 %>%
gather(dist_zone, dist_pct, Dist_8_pct:Dist_1_9_pct) %>%
mutate(requirement = case_when(dist_zone == "Dist_8_pct" ~ 0.1,
dist_zone == "Dist_1_9_pct" ~ 0.2,
TRUE ~ NA_real_),
dist_zone = factor(case_when(dist_zone == "Dist_8_pct" ~ "Dist_8_pct",
dist_zone == "Dist_1_9_pct" ~ "Dist_1_9_pct",
TRUE ~ NA_character_),
levels = c("Dist_8_pct", "Dist_1_9_pct"),
labels = c("Zone 8", "Zone 1 & 9")))
aes(x = audit_date,
y = dist_pct,
fill = operators)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity",
position = "dodge") +
geom_hline(data = LV_rebal_sf_list_summary_2_map,
aes(yintercept = requirement),
color = "red",
size = 1) +
facet_wrap(operators~dist_zone) +
plotTheme +
labs(title = "Percentage of Scooters in Distribution Zones",
subtitle = "Each audit conducted at 7AM",
y = "Percentage of all Scooters",
x = "Audit Date") +
scale_x_datetime(date_labels = "%Y-%m-%d",
breaks = LV_rebal_sf_list_summary_2_map$audit_date) +
scale_fill_discrete(name = "Distribution Zone") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
LV_audit_map <- LV_rebal_sf_list_2 %>%
filter(audit_date == as.POSIXct("2019-11-15 12:00:00 EST")) %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("long", "lat"), crs = LV_proj)
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = LV_distro_areas, fill = "lightgray") +
geom_sf(data = LV_audit_map %>% filter(str_detect(operators, "Lime|Bird")),
aes(color = operators, fill = operators)) +
facet_wrap(~operators, ncol = 1) +
mapTheme() +
labs(title = "Scooter Location Audit on 11-15-2019",
subtitle = "Providers are not meeting their distribution requirements in zones 1, 8, and 9.")
# Reads in data
Model_panel_RDS <- file.path(data_directory, "~RData/Model_panel")
# saveRDS(Model_panel,
# file = Model_panel_RDS)
# Model_panel <- readRDS(Model_panel_RDS)
Model_clean <- na.omit(Model_panel)
Model_clean <- Model_clean %>%
Model_clean_RDS <- file.path(data_directory, "~RData/Model_clean")
# saveRDS(Model_clean,
# file = Model_clean_RDS)
# Model_clean <- readRDS(Model_clean_RDS)
# delete usused osm data KNN. COUNT, DENSITY
Model_clean <- Model_clean %>%
dplyr::select(-starts_with('DENSITY'), -starts_with('KNN'), -starts_with('COUNT'), -ends_with('LENGTH'))
# Try linear regression model
reg1 <-
lm(ORIGINS_CNT ~ ., data=
# summary(reg1)
### TidyModel from Matt's class ####
"%!in%" <- Negate("%in%")
#create 20 cvID for later 20-fold cross-validation
Model_clean_2 <- Model_clean %>%
mutate(cvID = sample(round(nrow(Model_clean) / 78), size=nrow(Model_clean), replace = TRUE))
### Initial Split for Training and Test ####
data_split <- initial_split(Model_clean_2, strata = "ORIGINS_CNT", prop = 0.75)
train.set <- training(data_split)
test.set <- testing(data_split)
### Cross Validation
## LOGOCV on Neighborhood with group_vfold_cv()
cv_splits_geo <- group_vfold_cv(train.set, strata = "ORIGINS_CNT", group = "cvID")
### Create Recipes ####
# Feature Creation
model_rec <- recipe(ORIGINS_CNT ~ ., data = train.set) %>%
update_role(cvID, new_role = "cvID") %>%
step_other(cvID, threshold = 0.005) %>% #pool infrequently occurrin values into an "other" category.
step_dummy(all_nominal()) %>%
# step_log(ORIGINS_CNT) %>% #has zero, cannot log
step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% #remove variables that contain only a single value.
step_center(all_predictors(), -ORIGINS_CNT) %>% #normalize numeric data to have a mean of zero.
step_scale(all_predictors(), -ORIGINS_CNT) #normalize numeric data to have a standard deviation of one.
# %>% step_ns(Latitude, Longitude, options = list(df = 4)) #create new columns that are basis expan- sions of variables using natural splines.
# See the data after all transformations
glimpse(model_rec %>% prep() %>% juice()) #juice: extract finalized training set
# Model specifications
lm_plan <-
linear_reg() %>%
set_engine("lm") # kerast
glmnet_plan <-
linear_reg() %>%
set_args(penalty = tune()) %>%
set_args(mixture = tune()) %>%
rf_plan <-
rand_forest() %>%
set_args(mtry = tune()) %>%
set_args(min_n = tune()) %>%
set_args(trees = 1000) %>%
set_engine("ranger", importance = "impurity") %>%
#XGB: Extreme Gradient Boosting
XGB_plan <-
boost_tree() %>%
set_args(mtry = tune()) %>%
set_args(min_n = tune()) %>%
set_args(trees = 100) %>%
set_engine("xgboost") %>%
# Hyperparameter grid for glmnet (penalization)
glmnet_grid <- expand.grid(penalty = seq(0, 1, by = .25),
mixture = seq(0,1,0.25))
rf_grid <- expand.grid(mtry = c(2,5),
min_n = c(1,5)) #randowm forest,
xgb_grid <- expand.grid(mtry = c(3,5),
min_n = c(1,5))
# create workflow
lm_wf <-
workflow() %>%
add_recipe(model_rec) %>%
glmnet_wf <-
workflow() %>%
add_recipe(model_rec) %>%
rf_wf <-
workflow() %>%
add_recipe(model_rec) %>%
xgb_wf <-
workflow() %>%
add_recipe(model_rec) %>%
# fit model to workflow and calculate metrics
control <- control_resamples(save_pred = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
lm_tuned <- lm_wf %>%
resamples = cv_splits_geo,
control = control,
metrics = metric_set(rmse, rsq))
glmnet_tuned <- glmnet_wf %>%
resamples = cv_splits_geo,
grid = glmnet_grid,
control = control,
metrics = metric_set(rmse, rsq))
rf_tuned <- rf_wf %>%
resamples = cv_splits_geo,
grid = rf_grid,
control = control,
metrics = metric_set(rmse, rsq))
xgb_tuned <- xgb_wf %>%
resamples = cv_splits_geo,
grid = xgb_grid,
control = control,
metrics = metric_set(rmse, rsq))
## metrics across grid
# autoplot(xgb_tuned)
# collect_metrics(xgb_tuned)
## 'Best' by some metric and margin
show_best(lm_tuned, metric = "rmse", n = 15, maximize = FALSE)
show_best(glmnet_tuned, metric = "rmse", n = 15, maximize = FALSE)
show_best(rf_tuned, metric = "rmse", n = 15, maximize = FALSE)
#min_n = 5, less complex, tree grows down to the level with having 5 obsrvations
#min_n = 1, more complex, tree grows down to the very bottom level
show_best(xgb_tuned, metric = "rmse", n = 15, maximize = FALSE)
lm_best_params <- select_best(lm_tuned, metric = "rmse", maximize = FALSE)
glmnet_best_params <- select_best(glmnet_tuned, metric = "rmse", maximize = FALSE)
rf_best_params <- select_best(rf_tuned, metric = "rmse", maximize = FALSE)
xgb_best_params <- select_best(xgb_tuned, metric = "rmse", maximize = FALSE)
## Final workflow
lm_best_wf <- finalize_workflow(lm_wf, lm_best_params)
glmnet_best_wf <- finalize_workflow(glmnet_wf, glmnet_best_params)
rf_best_wf <- finalize_workflow(rf_wf, rf_best_params)
xgb_best_wf <- finalize_workflow(xgb_wf, xgb_best_params)
# last_fit() emulates the process where, after determining the best model, the final fit on the entire training set is needed and is then evaluated on the test set.
lm_val_fit_geo <- lm_best_wf %>%
last_fit(split = data_split,
control = control,
metrics = metric_set(rmse, rsq))
glmnet_val_fit_geo <- glmnet_best_wf %>%
last_fit(split = data_split,
control = control,
metrics = metric_set(rmse, rsq))
rf_val_fit_geo <- rf_best_wf %>%
last_fit(split = data_split,
control = control,
metrics = metric_set(rmse, rsq))
xgb_val_fit_geo <- xgb_best_wf %>%
last_fit(split = data_split,
control = control,
metrics = metric_set(rmse, rsq))
## normalization
Model_clean_area$ORIGINS_CNT <- Model_clean_area$ORIGINS_CNT/Model_clean_area$area
Model_clean_area$TOTPOP <- Model_clean_area$TOTPOP/Model_clean_area$area
# Model_clean_area <- Model_clean_area%>% st_set_geometry(NULL)
census_features <- c("TOTPOP", "TOTHSEUNI", "MDHHINC",
# with 0
# one model ####
data_split <- initial_split(Model_clean %>% dplyr::select(-GEOID), strata = "ORIGINS_CNT", prop = 0.75)
train.set <- training(data_split)
test.set <- testing(data_split)
model1 <- randomForest(ORIGINS_CNT ~ ., data = train.set %>% dplyr::select(-CITY),
ntree = 1000,
mtry = 2, engine = 'ranger', importance = TRUE)
# Predicting on train set
train.set$pred_rf <- predict(model1, train.set, type = "class")
train.set$AE_rf <- abs(train.set$pred_rf - train.set$ORIGINS_CNT)
train.set$Error_rf <- train.set$pred_rf - train.set$ORIGINS_CNT
test.set$pred_rf <- predict(model1, test.set, type = "class")
test.set$AE_rf <- abs(test.set$pred_rf - test.set$ORIGINS_CNT)
test.set$Error_rf <- test.set$pred_rf - test.set$ORIGINS_CNT
# two models ####
data_split <- initial_split(Model_clean %>% dplyr::select(-GEOID), strata = "ORIGINS_CNT", prop = 0.75)
train.set <- training(data_split)
test.set <- testing(data_split)
model1 <- randomForest(ORIGINS_CNT ~ ., data = %>% dplyr::select(osm_features, ORIGINS_CNT),
ntree = 1000,
mtry = 2, engine = 'ranger', importance = TRUE)
model2 <- randomForest(ORIGINS_CNT ~ ., data = %>% dplyr::select(census_features, ORIGINS_CNT),
ntree = 1000,
mtry = 2, engine = 'ranger', importance = TRUE)
# Predicting on train set
train.set$pred_OSM <- predict(model1, train.set, type = "class")
train.set$pred_census <- predict(model2, train.set, type = "class")
test.set$pred_OSM <- predict(model1, test.set, type = "class")
test.set$pred_census <- predict(model2, test.set, type = "class")
model3 <- randomForest(ORIGINS_CNT ~ ., data = %>% dplyr::select(pred_OSM, pred_census, ORIGINS_CNT),
ntree = 1000,
mtry = 2, engine = 'ranger', importance = TRUE)
train.set$pred_final <- predict(model3, train.set, type = "class")
train.set$AE_rf <- abs(train.set$pred_final - train.set$ORIGINS_CNT)
train.set$Error_rf <- train.set$pred_final - train.set$ORIGINS_CNT
test.set$pred_final <- predict(model3, test.set, type = "class")
test.set$AE_rf <- abs(test.set$pred_final - test.set$ORIGINS_CNT)
test.set$Error_rf <- test.set$pred_final - test.set$ORIGINS_CNT
# one model ####
data_split <- initial_split(Model_clean %>% dplyr::select(-GEOID), strata = "ORIGINS_CNT", prop = 0.75)
train.set <- training(data_split)
test.set <- testing(data_split)
train.set <- train.set %>% subset(train.set$ORIGINS_CNT!=0)
test.set <- test.set %>% subset(test.set$ORIGINS_CNT!=0)
model1 <- randomForest(ORIGINS_CNT ~ ., data = train.set %>% dplyr::select(-CITY),
ntree = 1000,
mtry = 2, engine = 'ranger', importance = TRUE)
# Predicting on train set
train.set$pred_rf <- predict(model1, train.set, type = "class")
train.set$AE_rf <- abs(train.set$pred_rf - train.set$ORIGINS_CNT)
train.set$Error_rf <- train.set$pred_rf - train.set$ORIGINS_CNT
test.set$pred_rf <- predict(model1, test.set, type = "class")
test.set$AE_rf <- abs(test.set$pred_rf - test.set$ORIGINS_CNT)
test.set$Error_rf <- test.set$pred_rf - test.set$ORIGINS_CNT
# two models ####
data_split <- initial_split(Model_clean %>% dplyr::select(-GEOID), strata = "ORIGINS_CNT", prop = 0.75)
train.set <- training(data_split)
test.set <- testing(data_split)
train.set <- train.set %>% subset(train.set$ORIGINS_CNT!=0)
test.set <- test.set %>% subset(test.set$ORIGINS_CNT!=0)
model1 <- randomForest(ORIGINS_CNT ~ ., data = %>% dplyr::select(osm_features, ORIGINS_CNT),
ntree = 1000,
mtry = 2, engine = 'ranger', importance = TRUE)
model2 <- randomForest(ORIGINS_CNT ~ ., data = %>% dplyr::select(census_features, ORIGINS_CNT),
ntree = 1000,
mtry = 2, engine = 'ranger', importance = TRUE)
# Predicting on train set
train.set$pred_OSM <- predict(model1, train.set, type = "class")
train.set$pred_census <- predict(model2, train.set, type = "class")
test.set$pred_OSM <- predict(model1, test.set, type = "class")
test.set$pred_census <- predict(model2, test.set, type = "class")
model3 <- randomForest(ORIGINS_CNT ~ ., data = %>% dplyr::select(pred_OSM, pred_census, ORIGINS_CNT),
ntree = 1000,
mtry = 2, engine = 'ranger', importance = TRUE)
train.set$pred_final <- predict(model3, train.set, type = "class")
train.set$AE_rf <- abs(train.set$pred_final - train.set$ORIGINS_CNT)
train.set$Error_rf <- train.set$pred_final - train.set$ORIGINS_CNT
test.set$pred_final <- predict(model3, test.set, type = "class")
test.set$AE_rf <- abs(test.set$pred_final - test.set$ORIGINS_CNT)
test.set$Error_rf <- test.set$pred_final - test.set$ORIGINS_CNT
data_split <- initial_split(Model_clean %>% dplyr::select(-GEOID), strata = "ORIGINS_CNT", prop = 0.75)
train.set <- training(data_split)
test.set <- testing(data_split)
train.set <- train.set %>% dplyr::select(osm_features, CITY, ORIGINS_CNT)
model_rec <- recipe(ORIGINS_CNT ~ ., data = train.set) %>%
update_role(CITY, new_role = "CITY") %>%
step_other(CITY, threshold = 0.005) %>% #pool infrequently occurrin values into an "other" category.
step_dummy(all_nominal(), -CITY) %>%
# step_log(ORIGINS_CNT) %>% #has zero, cannot log
step_zv(all_predictors()) %>% #remove variables that contain only a single value.
step_center(all_predictors(), -ORIGINS_CNT) %>% #normalize numeric data to have a mean of zero.
step_scale(all_predictors(), -ORIGINS_CNT) #normalize numeric data to have a standard deviation of one.
rf_plan <-
rand_forest() %>%
set_args(mtry = tune()) %>%
set_args(min_n = tune()) %>%
set_args(trees = 1000) %>%
set_engine("ranger", importance = "impurity") %>%
rf_grid <- expand.grid(mtry = c(2,5),
min_n = c(1,5))
rf_wf <-
workflow() %>%
add_recipe(model_rec) %>%
control <- control_resamples(save_pred = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
rf_tuned <- rf_wf %>%
resamples = cv_splits_geo,
grid = rf_grid,
control = control,
metrics = metric_set(rmse, rsq))
rf_best_params <- select_best(rf_tuned, metric = "rmse", maximize = FALSE)
rf_best_wf <- finalize_workflow(rf_wf, rf_best_params)
rf_val_fit_geo <- rf_best_wf %>%
last_fit(split = data_split,
control = control,
metrics = metric_set(rmse, rsq))
rf_best_OOF_preds <- collect_predictions(rf_tuned) %>%
filter(mtry == rf_best_params$mtry[1] & min_n == rf_best_params$min_n[1])
rf_val_pred_geo <- collect_predictions(rf_val_fit_geo)
OOF_preds <- data.frame(dplyr::select(rf_best_OOF_preds, .pred, ORIGINS_CNT), model = "RF") %>%
mutate(#.pred = exp(.pred),
RMSE = yardstick::rmse_vec(ORIGINS_CNT, .pred),
MAE = yardstick::mae_vec(ORIGINS_CNT, .pred),
MAPE = yardstick::mape_vec(ORIGINS_CNT, .pred))
val_preds <- data.frame(rf_val_pred_geo, model = "rf") %>%
left_join(., Model_clean %>%
rowid_to_column(var = ".row") %>%
dplyr::select(CITY, .row),
by = ".row") %>%
mutate(# .pred = exp(.pred),
RMSE = yardstick::rmse_vec(ORIGINS_CNT, .pred),
MAE = yardstick::mae_vec(ORIGINS_CNT, .pred),
MAPE = yardstick::mape_vec(ORIGINS_CNT, .pred))
# Pull best hyperparam preds from out-of-fold predictions
lm_best_OOF_preds <- collect_predictions(lm_tuned)
glmnet_best_OOF_preds <- collect_predictions(glmnet_tuned) %>%
filter(penalty == glmnet_best_params$penalty[1] & mixture == glmnet_best_params$mixture[1])
rf_best_OOF_preds <- collect_predictions(rf_tuned) %>%
filter(mtry == rf_best_params$mtry[1] & min_n == rf_best_params$min_n[1])
xgb_best_OOF_preds <- collect_predictions(xgb_tuned) %>%
filter(mtry == xgb_best_params$mtry[1] & min_n == xgb_best_params$min_n[1])
# collect validation set predictions from last_fit model
lm_val_pred_geo <- collect_predictions(lm_val_fit_geo)
glmnet_val_pred_geo <- collect_predictions(glmnet_val_fit_geo)
rf_val_pred_geo <- collect_predictions(rf_val_fit_geo)
xgb_val_pred_geo <- collect_predictions(xgb_val_fit_geo)
# Aggregate OOF predictions (they do not overlap with Validation prediction set)
OOF_preds <- rbind(data.frame(dplyr::select(lm_best_OOF_preds, .pred, ORIGINS_CNT), model = "lm"),
data.frame(dplyr::select(glmnet_best_OOF_preds, .pred, ORIGINS_CNT), model = "glmnet"),
data.frame(dplyr::select(rf_best_OOF_preds, .pred, ORIGINS_CNT), model = "RF"),
data.frame(dplyr::select(xgb_best_OOF_preds, .pred, ORIGINS_CNT), model = "xgb")) %>%
group_by(model) %>%
mutate(#.pred = exp(.pred),
RMSE = yardstick::rmse_vec(ORIGINS_CNT, .pred),
MAE = yardstick::mae_vec(ORIGINS_CNT, .pred),
MAPE = yardstick::mape_vec(ORIGINS_CNT, .pred)) %>%
# average error for each model
ggplot(data = OOF_preds %>%
dplyr::select(model, MAE) %>%
distinct() ,
aes(x = model, y = MAE, group = 1)) +
geom_path(color = "red") +
# geom_label(aes(label = paste0(round(MAPE,1),"%"))) +
# average MAPE for each model
ggplot(data = OOF_preds %>%
dplyr::select(model, MAPE) %>%
distinct() ,
aes(x = model, y = MAPE, group = 1)) +
geom_path(color = "red") +
geom_label(aes(label = paste0(round(MAPE,1),"%"))) +
# OOF predicted versus actual
ggplot(OOF_preds, aes(x =.pred, y = ORIGINS_CNT, group = model)) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.3) +
geom_abline(linetype = "dashed", color = "red") +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", color = "blue") +
coord_equal() +
facet_wrap(~model, nrow = 2) +
# Aggregate predictions from Validation set
val_preds <- rbind(data.frame(lm_val_pred_geo, model = "lm"),
data.frame(glmnet_val_pred_geo, model = "glmnet"),
data.frame(rf_val_pred_geo, model = "rf"),
data.frame(xgb_val_pred_geo, model = "xgb")) %>%
left_join(., Model_clean_2 %>%
rowid_to_column(var = ".row") %>%
dplyr::select(cvID, .row),
by = ".row") %>%
group_by(model) %>%
mutate(# .pred = exp(.pred),
RMSE = yardstick::rmse_vec(ORIGINS_CNT, .pred),
MAE = yardstick::mae_vec(ORIGINS_CNT, .pred),
MAPE = yardstick::mape_vec(ORIGINS_CNT, .pred)) %>%
# plot MAE by model type
ggplot(data = val_preds %>%
dplyr::select(model, MAE) %>%
distinct() ,
aes(x = model, y = MAE, group = 1)) +
geom_path(color = "red") +
# geom_label(aes(label = paste0(round(MAE,1),"%"))) +
# plot MAPE by model type
ggplot(data = val_preds %>%
dplyr::select(model, MAPE) %>%
distinct() ,
aes(x = model, y = MAPE, group = 1)) +
geom_path(color = "red") +
geom_label(aes(label = paste0(round(MAPE,1),"%"))) +
# Validation Predicted vs. actual
ggplot(val_preds, aes(x =.pred, y = ORIGINS_CNT, group = model)) +
geom_point() +
geom_abline(linetype = "dashed", color = "red") +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", color = "blue") +
coord_equal() +
facet_wrap(~model, nrow = 2) +
## Philadelphia ####
## Census
# Read and input census key
census_key_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
census_key <- readRDS(census_key_RDS)
tidycensus::census_api_key(census_key, install = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
# Collect census data and geometries
PH_Census_raw <- get_acs(geography = "tract",
variables = census_vars,
year = 2018,
state = "PA",
geometry = TRUE,
county = c("Philadelphia"),
output = "wide") %>%
rename_census_cols %>%
census_colNames) %>%
PH_Census_geoinfo <- PH_Census_raw %>%
dplyr::select(GEOID, geometry) %>%
# extract centroid of each census tract
PH_Census_geoinfo <- PH_Census_geoinfo %>%
mutate(centroid_X = st_coordinates(st_centroid(PH_Census_geoinfo))[, 1],
centroid_Y = st_coordinates(st_centroid(PH_Census_geoinfo))[, 2])
PH_Census <- PH_Census_raw %>%
mutate(pWhite = White_Pop / TotPop,
Mean_Commute_Time = Total_Travel_Time / Num_Commuters,
pTrans = Total_Public_Trans / Means_of_Transport_pop,
pDrive = Total_cartruckvan/Means_of_Transport_pop,
pFemale = TotFemale/TotPop,
pCom30plus = (Travel_Time_3034 + Travel_Time_3539 + Travel_Time_4044 + Travel_Time_4559 +
Travel_Time_6089 + Travel_Time_90plus) / Total_Travel_Time,
pOccupied = Occupied/Total_occupancy,
pVehAvai = 1 - No_vehicle / Vehicle_own_pop)
# names(PH_Census)
PH_Census <- PH_Census %>%
dplyr::select(GEOID, TotPop, TotHseUni, MdHHInc, MdAge, MedValue, MedRent, pWhite, Mean_Commute_Time,
pTrans, pDrive, pFemale, pCom30plus, pOccupied, pVehAvai)
PH_tract_list <- PH_Census_geoinfo$GEOID
PH_Census_ct <- PH_Census %>%
filter(PH_Census$GEOID %in% PH_tract_list) %>%
# rejoin geometry infor from ct_PH
PH_Census_ct <- merge(PH_Census_geoinfo, PH_Census_ct, by = 'GEOID')
## OSM
#********************* the variables******************####
city_name = "Philadelphia" ####
proj = 2272 # city projection ####
boundary = PH_Census_geoinfo # service area boundary ####
census_ct = PH_Census_ct # census tract ecosocia data ####
#origin_ct = PH_open_ct #census tract with count of trip origins
census_geoinfo = PH_Census_geoinfo ####
### using osm to grab data####
college <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'amenity', value = c("university", "college")) %>%
college <- st_geometry(college$osm_polygons) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
st_centroid() %>%
mutate(Legend = 'College',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
#Get_OSM <- function ()
# restaurant ####
restaurant <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'amenity', value = c("restaurant", "fast_food")) %>%
restaurant <- st_geometry(restaurant$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Restaurant',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# public transport ####
public_transport <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'public_transport', value = c("stop_position", "station")) %>%
public_transport <- st_geometry(public_transport$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Public.Transport',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# retail ####
retail <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'shop') %>%
retail <- st_geometry(retail$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Retails',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# office ####
office <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'office') %>%
office <- st_geometry(office$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Office',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# cycleway ####
cycleway <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'cycleway') %>%
cycleway <- st_geometry(cycleway$osm_lines) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Cycleway',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
cycleway %>% st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary))
# leisure ####
leisure <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'leisure', value = c('adult_gaming_center','amusement_arcade','common','fitness_center','hackerspace','park',
'pitch','stadium')) %>%
leisure <- st_geometry(leisure$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Leisure',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
# tourism ####
tourism <- opq (city_name) %>%
add_osm_feature(key = 'tourism', value = c("aquarium", "artwork", "attraction", "gallery", "museumm", "theme_park", 'viewpoint', 'zoo')) %>%
tourism <- st_geometry(tourism$osm_points) %>%
st_transform(proj) %>%
st_sf() %>%
st_intersection(boundary) %>%
mutate(Legend = 'Tourism',
City = city_name) %>%
dplyr::select(Legend, City, geometry)
## code to plot and check the OSM data
geom_sf(data = census_ct, fill = "white")+
#geom_sf(data = LV_college, shape = 23, fill = "cornflowerblue", size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = college, color = "red", size = 1.5)+
geom_sf(data = boundary, fill='transparent')+
labs(title = paste("Location of offices, retails, and colleges in",city_name),
subtitle = "Red dots as office, orange dots as retails, and blue dots as colleges") +
geom_sf(data = census_ct, fill = "white")+
geom_sf(data = cycleway, color = "chartreuse3", size = 1.5, alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = leisure, color = "lightsalmon",alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = boundary,fill='transparent')+
labs(title = paste("Location of cycleway and leisure places in", city_name),
subtitle = "Green lines as cycleway and light pink dots as leisure places") +
geom_sf(data = census_ct, fill = "white")+
geom_sf(data = restaurant, color = "turquoise",alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = tourism, color = "hotpink", alpha = 0.6)+
geom_sf(data = boundary,fill='transparent')+
labs(title = paste("Location of restaurant and tourism spots in", city_name),
subtitle = "Turqoise dots as restaurants and pink dots as tourism spots") +
geom_sf(data = census_ct, fill = "white")+
geom_sf(data = office, color = "indianred2", alpha = 0.6, size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = retail, color = "orange", alpha = 0.6, size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = college, shape = 23, fill = "cornflowerblue", size = 2)+
geom_sf(data = boundary,fill='transparent')+
labs(title = paste("Location of offices, retails, and colleges in", city_name),
subtitle = "Red dots as office, orange dots as retails, and blue dots as colleges") +
ncol = 3)
# street
PH_street <- st_read('') %>%
PH_street <- PH_street %>% st_join(PH_Census_geoinfo)
PH_street_ct_len <- st_intersection(PH_street,PH_Census_geoinfo) %>%
mutate(length = as.numeric(st_length(.))*0.000189394) %>%
group_by(GEOID) %>%
summarise(street_length = sum(length)) %>%
st_set_geometry(NULL) %>%
merge(PH_Census_geoinfo, on='GEOID', all.y=T) %>%
PH_street_ct_len$street_length <- replace_na(PH_street_ct_len$street_length,0)
census_panel <- census_geoinfo
## count ####
census_geoinfo$area <- as.numeric(st_area(census_geoinfo))*9.29e-8
# retail
retail_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), retail) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_retail= n())
retail_ct$density_retail <- retail_ct$count_retail/retail_ct$area
# office
office_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), office) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_office= n())
office_ct$density_office <- office_ct$count_office/office_ct$area
# restaurant
restaurant_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary),restaurant) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_restaurant= n())
restaurant_ct$density_restaurant <- restaurant_ct$count_restaurant/restaurant_ct$area
# public transport
public_transport_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary),public_transport) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_pubtran= n())
public_transport_ct$density_pubtran <- public_transport_ct$count_pubtran/public_transport_ct$area
# cycleway
cycleway_ct_len <- st_intersection(cycleway, boundary) %>%
mutate(length = as.numeric(st_length(.))*0.000189394) %>%
group_by(GEOID) %>%
summarise(total_length = sum(length)) %>%
st_set_geometry(NULL) %>%
merge(census_geoinfo, on='GEOID', all.y=T) %>%
cycleway_ct_len$total_length <- replace_na(cycleway_ct_len$total_length,0)
# leisure
leisure_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), leisure) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_leisure= n())
leisure_ct$density_leisure <- leisure_ct$count_leisure/leisure_ct$area
# tourism
tourism_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), tourism) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_tourism= n())
tourism_ct$density_tourism <- tourism_ct$count_tourism/tourism_ct$area
# college
college_ct <- st_join(census_geoinfo %>% st_intersection(boundary), college) %>%
group_by(GEOID,area) %>%
summarise(count_college= n())
college_ct$density_college <- college_ct$count_college/college_ct$area
spatial_census <- left_join(census_panel, retail_ct%>%st_set_geometry(NULL)%>%dplyr::select(GEOID, count_retail, density_retail), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(office_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_office, density_office), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(leisure_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_leisure, density_leisure), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(tourism_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_tourism, density_tourism), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(public_transport_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_pubtran,density_pubtran), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(restaurant_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_restaurant, density_restaurant), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(college_ct %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, count_college, density_college), by = 'GEOID') %>%
left_join(cycleway_ct_len %>% st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, total_length), by = 'GEOID')
PH_spatial_census <- spatial_census
PH_spatial_census <- merge(PH_spatial_census, %>% dplyr::select(GEOID, street_length), by='GEOID')
# ratio
PH_spatial_census$ratio_retail <- PH_spatial_census$count_retail/length(PH_spatial_census$count_retail)[1]
PH_spatial_census$ratio_office <- PH_spatial_census$count_office/length(PH_spatial_census$count_office)[1]
PH_spatial_census$ratio_restaurant <- PH_spatial_census$count_restaurant/length(PH_spatial_census$count_office)[1]
PH_spatial_census$ratio_public_transport <- PH_spatial_census$count_pubtran/length(PH_spatial_census$count_pubtran)[1]
PH_spatial_census$ratio_leisure <- PH_spatial_census$count_leisure/length(PH_spatial_census$count_leisure)[1]
PH_spatial_census$ratio_tourism <- PH_spatial_census$count_tourism/length(PH_spatial_census$count_tourism)[1]
PH_spatial_census$ratio_college <- PH_spatial_census$count_college/length(PH_spatial_census$count_college)[1]
PH_spatial_census$ratio_cycleway <- PH_spatial_census$total_length/sum(PH_spatial_census$total_length)
PH_spatial_census$ratio_street <- PH_spatial_census$street_length/sum(PH_spatial_census$street_length)
PH_spatial_census <- merge(PH_spatial_census, %>% dplyr::select(-geometry), by='GEOID')
# Read in WAC Data
PH_WAC_file <- file.path(data_directory,
PH_WAC <- read_csv(PH_WAC_file) %>%
dplyr::select(geocode = w_geocode, C000) %>%
mutate(geocode = as.character(substr(geocode, 1, 11))) %>%
group_by(geocode) %>%
summarize(jobs_in_tract = sum(C000, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(geocode %in% PH_Census_geoinfo$GEOID) # from PH - 20 - Collect Census Data
# Read in RAC Data
PH_RAC_file <- file.path(data_directory,
PH_RAC <- read_csv(PH_RAC_file) %>%
dplyr::select(geocode = h_geocode, C000) %>%
mutate(geocode = as.character(substr(geocode, 1, 11))) %>%
group_by(geocode) %>%
summarize(workers_in_tract = sum(C000, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
filter(geocode %in% PH_Census_geoinfo$GEOID) # from PH - 20 - Collect Census Data
# Join them
PH_LODES <- left_join(PH_WAC, PH_RAC, by = c("geocode"))
PH_LODES_RDS <- file.path(data_directory,
## Prediction
PH_spatial_census_RDS <- file.path(data_directory, "~RData/Philadelphia/PH_spatial_census")
PH_spatial_census <- readRDS(PH_spatial_census_RDS)
PH_LODES_RDS <- file.path(data_directory, "~RData/Philadelphia/PH_LODES")
PH_model <- merge(PH_spatial_census, PH_LODES, by.x = 'GEOID', by.y = 'geocode')
PH_model <- PH_model %>%
PH_model <- PH_model %>%
PH_model <- PH_model %>% dplyr::select(-c(AREA, MEAN_COMMUTE_TIME, CENTROID_X, CENTROID_Y),-starts_with('DENSITY'), -starts_with('COUNT'), -ends_with('LENGTH'))
## Equity Index
PH_trimmed_model <- PH_trimmed_model %>% na.omit()
PH_trimmed_model$cntpc <- PH_trimmed_model$Predicted.CNT/PH_trimmed_model$TOTPOP#/PH_trimmed_model$area
PH_top30_pc <- PH_trimmed_model %>% subset(PH_trimmed_model$cntpc>quantile(PH_trimmed_model$cntpc,c(0.3,0.7))[2])
PH_last30_pc <- PH_trimmed_model %>% subset(PH_trimmed_model$cntpc<quantile(PH_trimmed_model$cntpc,c(0.3,0.7))[1])
mean_MEDHHINC <- abs(dim(PH_trimmed_model %>% filter(MDHHINC<mean(PH_top30_pc$MDHHINC)))[1]/dim(PH_trimmed_model)[1] - dim(PH_trimmed_model %>% filter(MDHHINC<mean(PH_last30_pc$MDHHINC)))[1]/dim(PH_trimmed_model)[1])
mean_PWHITE <- abs(dim(PH_trimmed_model %>% filter(PWHITE<mean(PH_top30_pc$PWHITE)))[1]/dim(PH_trimmed_model)[1] - dim(PH_trimmed_model %>% filter(PWHITE<mean(PH_last30_pc$PWHITE)))[1]/dim(PH_trimmed_model)[1])
# mean_PFEMALE <- abs(dim(PH_trimmed_model %>% filter(PFEMALE<mean(PH_top30_pc$PFEMALE)))[1]/dim(PH_trimmed_model)[1] - dim(PH_trimmed_model %>% filter(PFEMALE<mean(PH_last30_pc$PFEMALE)))[1]/dim(PH_trimmed_model)[1])
# mean_PBAL <- abs(dim(PH_trimmed_model %>% filter(PFEMALE<mean(PH_top30_pc$PFEMALE)))[1]/dim(PH_trimmed_model)[1] - dim(PH_trimmed_model %>% filter(PFEMALE<mean(PH_last30_pc$PFEMALE)))[1]/dim(PH_trimmed_model)[1])
# mean_MEDVALUE <- abs(dim(PH_trimmed_model %>% filter(MEDVALUE<mean(PH_top30_pc$MEDVALUE)))[1]/dim(PH_trimmed_model)[1] - dim(PH_trimmed_model %>% filter(MEDVALUE<mean(PH_last30_pc$MEDVALUE)))[1]/dim(PH_trimmed_model)[1])
# mean_MEDRENT <- dim(PH_trimmed_model %>% filter(MEDRENT<mean(PH_top30_pc$MEDRENT)))[1]/dim(PH_trimmed_model)[1] - dim(PH_trimmed_model %>% filter(MEDRENT<mean(PH_last30_pc$MEDRENT)))[1]/dim(PH_trimmed_model)[1]
# mean_PVEHAVAI <- abs(dim(PH_trimmed_model %>% filter(PVEHAVAI<mean(PH_top30_pc$PVEHAVAI)))[1]/dim(PH_trimmed_model)[1] - dim(PH_trimmed_model %>% filter(PVEHAVAI<mean(PH_last30_pc$PVEHAVAI)))[1]/dim(PH_trimmed_model)[1])
mean_MDAGE <- abs(dim(PH_trimmed_model %>% filter(MDAGE<mean(PH_top30_pc$MDAGE)))[1]/dim(PH_trimmed_model)[1] - dim(PH_trimmed_model %>% filter(MDAGE<mean(PH_last30_pc$MDAGE)))[1]/dim(PH_trimmed_model)[1])
#dim(PH_trimmed_model %>% filter(MDHHINC<mean(PH_top30_pc$MDHHINC)))[1]/dim(PH_trimmed_model)[1] - dim(PH_trimmed_model %>% filter(MDHHINC<mean(PH_last30_pc$MDHHINC)))[1]/dim(PH_trimmed_model)[1]
#calculate the equity index
sum(mean_MEDHHINC, mean_PWHITE, mean_MDAGE)/3